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  • Merging multiple files in a loop


    I am trying to merge 12 files with similar files name. Each file just has one variable.
    I was following this thread (similar to what I want):

    Basing on that I ran my code but I get an error message: II2.dta not found.

    The code that I ran was:
    use "C:\Users\rk0022\Desktop\Env Eco\II1.dta", clear
    forval i = 2/12 {
     merge 1:1 country year using II`i', nogen
     drop _merge

    Also, I tried this code:
    use "C:\Users\rk0022\Desktop\Env Eco\II1.dta", clear
    local files II2 II2 II4 II5 II5 II6 II7 II8 II9 II10 II11 II12
    local vars  var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 var7 var8 var8 var9 var10 var11 var12
    forval i = 2/12 {
     local f : word `i' of `files'
     local v : word `i' of `vars'
     merge 1:1 country year using `files', keepusing(`v')
     drop _merge
    even with this I found an error.

    Could you please tell me where am I going wrong?

    Thank you.


  • #2
    You want `f', not `files' in the merge statement, since the local "files" contains the entire list of files. And, it's safer to include quotation marks around the file names, as well as the "dta" suffix, which I would presume your files (II2.dta, etc.) have. Notice also that your file list has II2 twice in a row.
    Your merge should be:
    merge 1:1 country year using "`f'.dta'", keepusing(`v')


    • #3
      You probably need to specify the path to the file.
      use "C:\Users\rk0022\Desktop\Env Eco\II1.dta", clear
      forval i = 2/12 {  
         merge 1:1 country year using "C:\Users\rk0022\Desktop\Env Eco\II`i'", nogen  
         drop _merge  


      • #4
        Mike Lacy Thank you correcting that error. But it doesn't work still. Now the error that I get is II3.dta not found.

        The code that I used was:
        use "C:\Users\rk0022\Desktop\Env Eco\II1.dta", clear
        local files II2 II3 II4 II5 II5 II6 II7 II8 II9 II10 II11 II12
        local vars var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 var7 var8 var9 var10 var11 var12
        forval i = 2/12 {
         local f : word `i' of `files'
         local v : word `i' of `vars'
         merge 1:1 country year using "`f'.dta", keepusing(`v')
         drop _merge
        Sarah Edgington it fixed my problem.

        Thank you Sarah and Mike for your feedback on my code. I could atleast work around the code.


        • #5
          cd " "

          local files `allid' `Cutil' `Fissets' `Fuel' `Orhsts' `Otcome' `Output' `Rawerials' `salges' `Stock' `tat'
          use "Fissets"
          foreach x of local files {
          merge 1:1 dpc using "`f'.dta", nogen
          Hey, when I use this command I find my file is only the Fissets, it doesn't merge. Could you please help to merge data from multiple files? Thank you.


          • #6
            econ stat explains our strong preference for real names here. Please read and act on it.

            Otherwise you are using local macros here for your other filenames. Inserting the command

            macro list
            before your loop will show which local macros are visible. My guess is that you defined your local macros in one place and are trying to access them in another. But "local" means what it says, and local macros are local to the space in which they are defined. That even includes different parts of a do-file editor window if you run code in chunks.


            • #7
              Thanks Nick. I wanted to edit my profile name but did not find an edit option, wonder if I need re-register.

              I am trying with the "macro list" command, it gives the following
              _data: all derived vars with id" "Capacity util" "Fixed assets" "Fuel" "Orher costs" "Other income" "Output" "Raw materials" "salary and wages" "Stock" "tax vat ; and
              S_FN: Fixed assets.dta

              Still the following code does not work. the defined data files are in the SMI2012

              dir "\SMI2012"
              local data "all derived vars with id" "Capacity util" "Fixed assets" "Fuel" "Orher costs" "Other income" "Output" "Raw materials" "salary and wages" "Stock" "tax vat"
              di "`data'"
              macro list
              foreach x of local data {
              use `x', clear
              sort dpc
              save `x'}
              use "Fixed assets", clear
              local data "all derived vars with id" "Capacity util" "Fuel" "Orher costs" "Other income" "Output" "Raw materials" "salary and wages" "Stock" "tax vat"
              foreach x of local data{
              merge 1:1 dpc using `x', nogen

              Thanks in advance


              • #8
                What to do about changing names is explained at the link I gave.

                You need “ “ around filenames with spaces and around your reference to local macro x. I can’t show left-hand single quotes with this phone.

                With your code you need to be working in the same directory or folder as your files.

                There may be other problems: your code is a little hard to read as you don’t use CODE delimiters (FAQ Advice #12).


                • #9
                  Elsewhere you posted this code

                  local dir "\SMI2012"
                  local data: dir "`dir'" files "*.dta"
                  foreach file of local data {
                  use `"`dir'/`file'", clear
                  sort dpc
                  save, replace
                  use "Fixed assets", clear
                  foreach file of local data {
                  merge 1:1 dpc using `file'
                  As already pointed out in this thread, you need double quotes around filenames containing spaces, so the merge command still looks wrong.

                  Also, your compound double quotes aren't matched.

                  local dir "\SMI2012"
                  local data: dir "`dir'" files "*.dta"
                  foreach file of local data {
                      use `"`dir'/`file'"', clear
                      sort dpc
                      save, replace
                  use "Fixed assets", clear
                  foreach file of local data {
                      merge 1:1 dpc using "`file'"
                  The loop sorting on dpc does no harm, but merge doesn't depend on sort order.


                  • #10
                    dir "\SMI2012"
                    local data "all derived vars with id" "Capacity util" "Fixed assets" "Fuel" "Orher costs" "Other income" "Output" "Raw materials" "salary and wages" "Stock" "tax vat"
                    di "`data'"
                    macro list
                    foreach x of local data {
                    use "`x'", clear
                    sort dpc
                    save "`x'"}
                    use "Fixed assets", clear
                    local data "all derived vars with id" "Capacity util" "Fuel" "Orher costs" "Other income" "Output" "Raw materials" "salary and wages" "Stock" "tax vat"
                    foreach x of local data{
                    merge 1:1 dpc using "`x'", nogen
                    I hope the code is readable now. I am working in the same directory. I used left hand single quote. Thank you, I appreciate your support.


                    • #11
                      So, you need to tell us if the code works and if it doesn't work precisely what is wrong. What error messages do you get and when?

                      Code like this is hard to debug. Manifestly, we are not sitting at your computer to see your files and nothing is easily reproducible by us. The need to be explicit and precise about what is happening is multiplied accordingly.

                      Also, you're reintroducing errors already fixed. Your save needs to be save, replace.

                      Filenames with spaces in are a royal pain. I never, ever willingly use any such filenames with Stata. I think you need also

                      local data `" "all derived vars with id" "Capacity util" "Fuel" "Orher costs" "Other income" "Output" "Raw materials" "salary and wages" "Stock" "tax vat" "'
                      as otherwise the outermost " " will get stripped.
                      Last edited by Nick Cox; 12 Apr 2020, 05:05.


                      • #12
                        Hi Nick, I am glad, its now working. Thank you so much for your kind support.


                        • #13
                          Good. Do use that CONTACT US button to request a name change, although it's entirely possible that StataCorp personnel won't get to fix that until later this week.


                          • #14
                            dir "\SMI2012"
                            local data `" "all derived vars with id" "Capacity util" "Fixed assets" "Fuel" "Orher costs" "Other income" "Output" "Raw materials" "salary and wages" "Stock" "tax vat" "'
                            di `data'
                            macro list
                            foreach x of local data {
                            use "`x'", clear
                            sort dpc
                            save "`x'", replace
                            use "Fixed assets", clear
                            local data `" "all derived vars with id" "Capacity util" "Fuel" "Orher costs" "Other income" "Output" "Raw materials" "salary and wages" "Stock" "tax vat" "'
                            foreach x of local data{
                            merge m:m dpc using "`x'", nogen
                            foreach x of local data {
                              2. use "`x'", clear
                              3. sort dpc
                              4. save "`x'", replace
                              5. }
                            file all derived vars with id.dta not found
                            Strangely, I dont see any problem but it desn't run but it was okay last time. I wonder if there is any unintended change I made or any issue with stata. Appreciate your time if your could take a look.


                            • #15
                              merge m:m 
                              is never a good idea. See the manual. That's unlikely to be the immediate issue, but the implication that you're running the same code is blown sky high.

                              Note that dir doesn't mean cd.

