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  • #61
    Not sure if this is the right forum or not...I have a problem with asdoc and a very WEIRD error. I am using STATA IC 15 and mrtab to get some counts....I get this error.

    asdoc mrtab Q19b_MM1 Q19b_MM2 Q19b_MM3 Q19b_MM4 Q19b_MM5 Q19b_MM67 Q19b_NoMovement

    option Darwin not allowed
    stata(): 3598 Stata returned error
    asdocrest(): - function returned error
    <istmt>: - function returned error

    Now I have narrowed it down to the Q19b_MM5 variable, BUT if I do a straight mrtab without the asdoc, it works. Darwin is part of the wording in the Q19b_MM5 response, but I am really confused as to why it is suddenly being thought of as an option.... ANY suggestions gratefully received.


    • #62
      Eagerly waiting for a response, please!

      Sorry for any inconvenience.

      Thank you in advance.


      • #63
        mrtab is a community contributed package and hence is not supported by asdoc. You can explore asdocx, that has premium features and exports Stata tables to MS Word, Excel, LaTeX, and HTML
        Attaullah Shah, PhD.
        Professor of Finance, Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan
        Check out my asdoc program, which sends outputs to MS Word.
        For more flexibility, consider using asdocx which can send Stata outputs to MS Word, Excel, LaTeX, or HTML.


        • #64
          Thanks Prof Attaullah Shah for a fantastic command.

          I am trying to use the asdoc command alongside the reformat command so I can output the results of a multilevel mixed effects logitic regression model.

          For example:

          use, clear
          xi: melogit c_use i.urban age i.children, nofvlabel|| district:
          reformat, output(necp) dpcoef(2) dpp(3) nocons eform
          asdoc reformat, output(necp) dpcoef(2) dpp(3) nocons eform save(example1) replace

          All the commands for reformat work other than "eform" which is what I need for my publication so I can present the odds ratios.

          I've tried eform() and adding is isreg to the asdoc command but not had any success. Also tried 'asdoc: reformat command'.

          Would be very grateful to know if what I am trying to achieve is possible in asdoc?



          Dr Peter Edwards
          GP & NIHR Clinical Research Fellow
          Centre for Academic Primary Care (CAPC)
          Bristol Medical School: Population Health Sciences
          Office 1.07, Canynge Hall, 39 Whatley Road, Bristol BS8 2PS
          Email: [email protected]
          Twitter: @Dr_PJEdwards
          ORCID: 0000-0001-6999-753X


          • #65
            I use Stata SE/17.0, Windows 10 Enterprise.
            When I used asdoc reg with the nest, I got the following error message. " func_nested_reg(): 3200 conformability error <istmt>: - function returned error" Can help to solve this problem? Many Thanks!

