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  • mata, maximum likelihood using ml maximize, and nonconvergence

    I have written a Stata maximum likelihood routine to mimic stpm2, a user contributed routine to estimate survival models with restricted cubic splines. My routine reproduces results from stpm2. I have rewritten my routine with Mata using ml model lf as a shell. When I use results from stpm2 as starting values, and set ml maximize, difficult iterate(0) search(off), I get the correct likelihood, suggesting to me that my likelihood function is written correctly. But if I use these starting values and allow the program to iterate, I cannot achieve convergence. Nor can I achieve convergence if I use different starting values. Any suggestions for a next step?

    void my_po_lf(transmorphic scalar ML, real rowvector b, real colvector lnfj)
    real vector event
    real vector XB, first_sum, second_sum, survivor, hazard
    real vector parmindex, parms
    real matrix DER
    event = moptimize_util_depvar(ML,1)
    XB = moptimize_util_xb(ML,b,1)
    first_sum = moptimize_util_xb(ML,b,2)
    parmindex = moptimize_util_eq_indices(ML, 2)
    parms = b[parmindex[1,2]..parmindex[2,2]]
    parms = parms[1,1..4]'
    DER = st_data(.,"drcs1 drcs2 drcs3 drcs4")
    second_sum = DER * parms
    survivor = (1 :+ exp(first_sum) :* exp(XB)) :^ (-1)
    hazard = survivor :* (exp(first_sum) :* exp(XB)) :* second_sum
    lnfj = ((event :== 1) :* ln(hazard)) :+ ln(survivor)
    ml maximize, difficult

  • #2
    There are two things needed to get this working
    1. ml needs some help getting reasonable starting values. In the code below I use how stpm2 would obtain initial values for this model.
    2. I am not sure of the exact reason, but it seems you can't extract and use the beta's as you do in your program when using method lf. I have thus changed it to a gf0 evaluator in the code below.
    clear all
    webuse brcancer
    stset rectime, f(censrec=1) scale(365.24)
    void my_po_gf0(transmorphic scalar ML, real scalar todo, real rowvector b, real colvector lnfj, real matrix S, real matrix H)
    real vector event
    real vector XB, first_sum, second_sum, survivor, hazard
    real vector parmindex, parms
    real matrix DER
    event = moptimize_util_depvar(ML,1)
    XB = moptimize_util_xb(ML,b,1)
    first_sum = moptimize_util_xb(ML,b,2)
    parmindex = moptimize_util_eq_indices(ML, 2)
    parms = b[parmindex[1,2]..parmindex[2,2]]
    parms = parms[1,1..4]'
    DER = st_data(.,"_d_rcs1 _d_rcs2 _d_rcs3 _d_rcs4")
    second_sum = DER * parms
    survivor = (1 :+ exp(first_sum) :* exp(XB)) :^ (-1)
    hazard = survivor :* (exp(first_sum) :* exp(XB)) :* second_sum
    lnfj = ((event :== 1) :* ln(hazard)) :+ ln(survivor)
    // stpm2 mmodel
    stpm2 hormon, scale(odds) df(4)
    estimates store stpm2
    // obtain initial values 
    stcox hormon, 
    predict S0, basesurv
    predict xb, xb
    gen S = S0^exp(xb)
    gen Z = log((1-S)/S)
    regress Z hormon _rcs1 _rcs2 _rcs3 _rcs4 if _d
    matrix initb = e(b)
    // define and fit model
    ml model gf0 my_po_gf0() (xb: _d = hormon, nocons) (time: _rcs1 _rcs2 _rcs3 _rcs4)
    ml init initb, copy
    ml maximize 
    estimates store ml
    // compare parameters
    est tab stpm2 ml, keep(xb: time:)


    • #3
      Thank you, Paul. I did use STPM2 to derive starting values. I will try your recommendation to use a gf0 evaluator. I have been struggling with this problem and I greatly appreciate your recommendations.

