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  • Export labels from alpha output to Excel

    I am estimating the alpha of several variables. I have specified asis, item, and label.
    I need to be able to export r(ItemTestCorr), r(Alpha), and the labels. However, I can't find a way to export the labels. The matrix of r(ItemTestCorr) and r(Alpha) exports perfectly, but the labels do not. In this case, you know how labels are stored in matrices. I need your kind help to understand what I may be doing wrong. I share the code and the results. Thanks for your help!!

    ** Estimate the Cronbach's alpha for each item
    alpha lit_a2_s lit_a4 lit_b2 lit_c1 lit_c2 mth_a6 mth_a7 mth_c4 mth_c5 mth_e9 mth_f1 emo_c16 emo_c4 emo_c5 emo_c6 emo_c9 soc_c2 soc_e2 soc_x1 soc_x3, asis item label

    ** Export the result of estimation in the Sheet called "Reliability"
    putexcel set "$tables", sheet("Reliability") modify

    ** Indicate in the Excel file the name of each hypothesis test corresponds
    putexcel A5 =("Score") B5=("Item-test correlation") C5=("Alpha"), bold border("bottom", "medium", "black")
    putexcel A26 =("Test scale"), bold

    ** Save the name of matrix output
    matrix itemcorr = (r(ItemTestCorr))'
    matrix itemalpha = (r(Alpha))'
    putexcel B6 = matrix(itemcorr)
    putexcel C6 = matrix(itemalpha)
    putexcel C26 = (r(alpha)), bold

  • #2
    Welcome to Statalist.

    You have accidentally posted your topic in Statalist's Mata Forum, which is used for discussions of Stata's Mata language, which is different than Stata's command language, and different than Stata's matrix commands that your matrixes have used. Your question will see a more appropriate and much larger audience if you post it in Statalist's General Forum.


    • #3
      Thank you very much for this sorry for the mistake. I will post it there.

