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  • Truncate X-axis on Histogram


    I am trying to truncate the x-axis on a histogram. The tail is very large and I would like to graphically display the tail to 1500 instead of 15000. I am trying to use the xlabel and xscale commands but I am not able to truncate the axis. I do not want to use the command 'if variable < 1500 because it will disrupt the percentages. Why is there only the tmax() function in sts graphs?

    My code is:
    histogram x4, normal percent xlabel(0(500)1500) xscale(range(0 1500) noextend) ylabel(,nogrid)

    Does anyone have any ideas?!?!!?!?!!?


  • #2
    Recently discussed:

    The wrinkle you add is wanting to keep the percents. I think you need to use twoway__histogram_gen to generate what you want to plot and then replot it using twoway bar. See for some discussion of that command.

    I can't support this as especially good practice. Perhaps a transformed scale would help. Also, if your data are right-skewed with outliers, a normal distribution is an implausible reference, although that may be what you want to underline.

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