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  • Geodata: Calculating distance from a point to a border

    Dear Stata Users,
    I am interested in using a geographic regression discontinuity design where there is a discontinuity at a U.S. state border. My problem is that I do not know how to calculate the shortest distance from a point to a polygon. In ArcGIS, I see that there is a tool called “Near” that can determine the distance from a point to the nearest point on a polygon – this is exactly what I would like to do, however I cannot use ArcGIS and need to do the task in Stata (or SAS).

    After much searching, I have not found a similar function in Stata to the ArcGIS “Near” function. I have seen the nearest.ado function, which is an efficient way to calculate the nearest point to another given a set of points. I need to calculate the distance to the border of just one state, so it might be very feasible to create a set of points that are on the border of this state (say a point at each half-mile along the border) and use nearest.ado to find the nearest border point to each non-border point. Is there a way to take a shapefile (e.g., the Census TIGER/Line state shapefile) and create dataset with the set of points along the border of a state?

    Any other suggestions on how to calculate the distance from a point to a border?

    Many thanks for your help!


  • #2
    I've done something like this in the past. I had a set of grid points spaced 1 mile apart in Texas and I needed to find, for each grid point, the closest point on the Mexican border. Here's the code that processes the Mexico border shapefile:

    * There are more than one polygon. Identify each polygon. The first one
    * represent mainland Mexico. 
        use "mexico_coor.dta", clear
        rename _X lon
        rename _Y lat
        // a new polygon starts with missing values for lat/lon
        gen poly = sum(lon == .)
        gen id = _n
        sort poly id
        by poly: assert lon == . if _n == 1
        by poly: assert lon[2] == lon[_N]
        by poly: assert lat[2] == lat[_N]
    * Drop a point that is an obvious error in the data
        list in 319378/319381
        drop in 319380
    * We will need to measure the distance between points in Texas to the
    * Mexican border. Make sure that the line segments are short. Target
    * 0.1 miles between each point. Create new points for polygon segments
    * that are too long
        // distance between consecutive points
        gen double lat2 = lat[_n+1]
        gen double lon2 = lon[_n+1]
        geodist lat lon lat2 lon2, gen(d) mi
        // number of points needed to keep the segments at < 0.1 mi
        gen n = 1 + int(d/.1)
        expand n if !mi(d)
        sort id
        // interpolate linearly each intermediary points
        by id: gen double lat3 = lat + (_n-1) * (lat2 - lat) / n
        by id: gen double lon3 = lon + (_n-1) * (lon2 - lon) / n
        // use these new coordinates
        drop lat lon
        rename lat3 lat
        rename lon3 lon
        replace id = _n
        // double check; ignore missing distances (separate polygons)
        keep poly id lat lon
        gen double lat2 = lat[_n+1]
        gen double lon2 = lon[_n+1]
        geodist lat lon lat2 lon2, gen(d) mi
         assert round(d,.1) <= .1 if !mi(d)
    * Clean-up and save
        keep poly id lat lon
    and here's the code to find the nearest border point

        use "mexico/mexican_border_points.dta"
        keep if poly == 1    // keep only mainland Mexico
        tempfile mexico
        qui save "`mexico'"
        use "tx_mile_grid_inside.dta"
        geonear gridid lat lon using "`mexico'", ///
            n(id lat lon) mi long near(1)
    Note that both geodist and geonear are available from SSC.


    • #3
      Thank you! This method looks like it'll work well for my purposes - I'll give it a go.



      • #4
        Robert Picard

