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  • Instrument variable regression- when endogenous variable is categorical and dependent variable is a count data

    Dear Statalisters,

    Thanks for adding me to the forum to discuss my issues. I would like to inform you that I wanted to instrument variable regression as I am facing the problem of endogeneity in the model. So my two queries are:
    1. As my dependent variable is a count so can I Poisson regression in second stage?
    2. My endogenous variable is a categorical in nature categorized as "0", "1" and "2". Please let me know whether endogenous variable can be categorical or not. So that when I use the predicted value of the endogenous variable in the second stage I get the co-efficient against each category of endogenous variable.

    It would be great if you could guide me through this and suggest me some articles in which the authors have done a similar thing.

    Many thanks in anticipation.

    Waiting to hear from you soon.

  • #2
    Dear Statalister,

    Could you please help me out of this as soon as possible. I am waiting for your reply and hope to get a positive response.

    Many regards



    • #3
      Kirti, You may want to search Statalist archives first. But here is one paper by Miranda and colleagues that discusses this. Manish


      • #4
        Hey Manish,

        Thanks for the information but I am not able to download the article can you please send me the pdf version of the same.

        Many thanks and regards



        • #5
          Also, -cmp- might be worth a look if you're willing to treat your outcome as continuous.


          • #6
            Links works fine at my end, but here is a pdf copy of the article.

            Attached Files


            • #7
              Thanks Manish


              • #8
                Dear Kirti,

                Could you please share how you managed the endogenous regression of categorical variable using poisson regression.
                The stata journal example is for dummy variable, what I have is a categorical variable with categories so am a bit confused so as to how to apply the ssm.

                Please help.

                Kind Regards,

