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  • Survival curves after multiple imputation

    After having done multiple imputation on some covariates before running stcox, I'd like to plot the survival curves for the individual levels of the covariates "averaged" across imputed data sets.
    How do I now obtain such "averaged" curves for the various levels of covariate "group"? Or, if averaging across imputed data sets is not possible, can I plot curves for each individual imputed data set? I checked all posts that I could find on that issue - to no avail. Command "stcurve" yields the message "last estimates not found"...
    Some advice on this would be highly appreciated.

  • #2
    Sorry, but I don't know mim, as its functionality has been superseded by Stata's mi commands in recent versions. Here's how I would solve your problem in Stata 13. You'll have to translate as best you can. Basically, I extract each imputed data set, estimate the stcox model on that extract, run stcurve, and save the results. At the end I collapse the estimated survival curves over extracts and plot the resulting averages.

    save results, emptyok replace // file to hold results
    sysuse auto, clear
    set seed 43228226
    recode rep78 1/2=3
    gen id = _n
    rename id pid
    mi set flong
    mi register impute rep78
    mi impute ologit rep78  mpg, add(5) double
    mi stset mpg, fail(foreign)
    mi estimate, post: stcox headroom i.rep78
    tempfile d0
    save `d0', replace
    tempfile d1 d2 d3 d4 d5
    forvalues i = 1/5{
      use d0, clear
      mi extract `i' /* get i-th imputed data set */
      qui stcox headroom i.rep78
      stcurve , surv at1(headroom = 5) at2(headroom = 10) ///
      outfile(`d`i'', replace)
      use results, clear
      append using `d`i''
      save, replace
    use results, clear
    collapse (mean) surv2 (mean) surv3, by(_t)
    sort _t
    twoway scatter surv2 _t, c(stairstep) ms(i) ///
     || scatter surv3 _t, c(stairstep) ms(i) ///
      ti("Averaged Curves")
    Steve Samuels
    Statistical Consulting
    [email protected]

    Stata 14.2


    • #3
      After a few trials & errors, it seems to work just fine. Thanks a lot, Steve!


      • #4
        You are very welcome, Hans. Note that the code could have been made automatic for any number of imputations by(1) putting the number of imputed data sets into a local macro ("isets", below) and (2). Defining the temporary data sets d1, d2,... within each iteration of the forvalues loop, instead of outside the loop. Here is the improved version.

        save results, emptyok replace // file to hold results
        sysuse auto, clear
        set seed 43228226
        recode rep78 1/2=3
        gen id = _n
        rename id pid
        mi set flong
        mi register impute rep78
        mi impute ologit rep78  mpg, add(5) double
        local isets = r(M) /* number of imputed data sets */
        mi stset mpg, fail(foreign)
        return list
        mi estimate: stcox headroom i.rep78
        return list
        tempfile d0
        save `d0', replace
        forvalues i = 1/`isets'{
          tempfile d`i'
          use `d0', clear
          mi extract `i' /* get i-th imputed data set */
          qui stcox headroom
          stcurve , surv at1(headroom = 5) at2(headroom = 10) ///
          outfile(`d`i'', replace)
          use results, clear
          append using `d`i''
          save, replace
        use results, clear
        collapse (mean) surv2 (mean) surv3, by(_t)
        labe var surv2 "headroom 5" surv3 "headroom 10"
        sort _t
        twoway scatter surv2 _t, c(stairstep) ms(i) ///
         || scatter surv3 _t, c(stairstep) ms(i) ///
          ti("Averaged Curves")
        Steve Samuels
        Statistical Consulting
        [email protected]

        Stata 14.2


        • #5
          Hi Steven,

          your code runs just fine as is. However, when I try to implement my own “needs” (for instance, I want to read already-imputed datasets [10 imputations] from my data file location as indicated in your code below), two things go wrong (I have used “.set trace on” to track this):
          1. Invalid syntax error message (r198):
          . qui{
          - forvalues i = 1/`isets'{
          = forvalues i = 1/{

          So I changed “forvalues i = 1/`isets'” into “forvalues i = 1/10{“ and this error disappears but now I got another invalid file specification error r(198):
          . qui{
          - forvalues i = 1/10{
          - tempfile d`i'
          = tempfile d1
          - use `d0', clear
          = use , clear
          invalid file specification

          So I changed “use `d0', clear” into “use d0, clear” and everything seems to work. However, I’m aware of the fact that now I’ve lost some nice features of your code as I now have to type the number of imputations, instead of the program determining that by itself. Can you see what’s wrong here?

          Again, many thanks for your help!


          ***** Code *****
          cd "<my data file path>”
          save results, emptyok replace // file to hold results
          use "<my data file>", clear

          local isets = r(M) /* number of imputed data sets */
          mi stset beobachtungszeit2, failure(status2==1)
          return list
          mi estimate: stcox i.hyperlipidamie
          *mi estimate, post: stcox i.hyperlipidamie
          return list

          tempfile d0
          save `d0', replace

          *set trace on
          *forvalues i = 1/`isets'{
          forvalues i = 1/10{
          tempfile d`i'
          *use `d0', clear
          use d0, clear
          mi extract `i' /* get i-th imputed data set */
          qui stcox i.hyperlipidamie
          stcurve , surv at1(hyperlipidamie = 0) at2(hyperlipidamie = 1) ///
          outfile(`d`i'', replace)
          use results, clear
          append using `d`i''
          save, replace

          use results, clear
          collapse (mean) surv2 (mean) surv3, by(_t)
          label variable surv2 "No hyperlipidemia"
          label variable surv3 "Hyperlipidemia"
          sort _t
          twoway scatter surv2 _t, c(stairstep) ms(i) ///
          || scatter surv3 _t, c(stairstep) ms(i) ///
          ti("Survival curves averaged over imputed data sets")


          • #6

            r(M)is a macro left-behind by mi impute, and so would not be available for defining isets at the start of your code.
            My suggestion is to define isets directly before the quietly block and the forvalues loop:

            local isets = 10
            quietly {
            forvalues i = 1/`isets' {
            Last edited by Steve Samuels; 14 Jan 2015, 18:14.
            Steve Samuels
            Statistical Consulting
            [email protected]

            Stata 14.2


            • #7
              Hi Steve, thanks very much for this Syntax! It helps me a lot!!!! one question: if i want to draw more than 2 curves I write

              stcurve , surv at1(headroom = 1) at2(headroom = 2) at3(headroom = 3) at4(headroom = 4)

              But how do I continue? I dont understand how I have to change the second part of the Syntax:
              use results, clear
              collapse (mean) surv2 (mean) surv3, by(_t)
              labe var surv2 "headroom 5" surv3 "headroom 10"
              sort _t
              twoway scatter surv2 _t, c(stairstep) ms(i) ///
              || scatter surv3 _t, c(stairstep) ms(i) ///
              ti("Averaged Curves")

              Thanks a lot!


              • #8
                hi, how can i have baseline hazard after multiple imputation

