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  • Portfolio variance

    Dear all,

    I have a panel dataset containing monthly exchange rate returns of 121 currencies over the period 1998-2010. Further, I have another panel dataset containing individual firms use of foreign currencies in international transactions. I would like to combine both datasets in order to obtain an estimate of the firm's exposure to exchange rate changes, dependent upon the relative use of foreign currencies. Therefore I would like to use Modern Portfolio Theory to calculate portfolio variance. Portfolio variance is typically being calculated as a function of correlations of the portfolio’s assets, for all combinations of assets. Here, obviously the assets are the currencies.

    So the datasets look as following:
    firmid year weight_currency currency
    1 2000 0.10 EUR
    1 2000 0.20 USD
    .... ... .... ....


    year month USD/EUR ...... XOF/EUR
    2000 1 ..... .....
    2000 2
    2000 12
    Some returns are missing here.

    I would like to work with matrices and apply the following formula W*S*W', with S being the variance-covariance matrix of exchange rate returns and W representing the weights of each currency in a particular firm's portfolio of currencies used. I would like to estimate S for each year in my panel individually. Therefore, W*S*W' is calculated per id-year combination.

    Does anyone have an idea on how to proceed best to tackle this issue? I have come across the mvport package (varrets command) to calculate the variance-covariance matrix, but it is not possible to do this on a year basis.

    Many thanks in advance.
    PS. fyi, I requested the Stata forum administrator to change my nickname into my full name just now.

  • #2
    Well, I could not find enough time to help you throughout, however, I have developed a code for you that calculates portfolio standard deviation with variance-covariance matrix formula in each year.
    //First to generate some dummy data
    set obs 1000
    gen date=_n
    format %td date
    expand 10
    bys date: gen id=_n
    gen year=year(date)
    gen ri1=uniform()
    gen ri2=uniform()
    gen ri3=uniform()
    gen ri4=uniform()
    gen W1=.25
    gen W2=.25
    gen W3=.25
    gen W4=.25
    //Now Portfolio SD
    qui sum year
    loc MAX=r(max)
    loc MIN=r(min)
    forval i = `MIN' / `MAX' {
        varrets ri1 ri2 ri3 ri4 if year==`i'
        mat S=r(cov)
        mkmat W1 W2 W3 W4 in 1, matrix (W)
        mat VAR = W*S*W'
        svmat double VAR, name(VAR)
        keep year VAR1
        drop if VAR1==.
        replace year=`i'
        if year==`MIN' {
            save `i', replace
        append using `MIN'.dta
        save `MIN'.dta, replace
        cap drop VAR1
    I hope this will help you.
    Attaullah Shah, PhD.
    Professor of Finance, Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan
    Check out my asdoc program, which sends outputs to MS Word.
    For more flexibility, consider using asdocx which can send Stata outputs to MS Word, Excel, LaTeX, or HTML.


    • #3
      Many thanks, with some slight modifications wrt shape of my data it works fine!



      • #4
        I am glad to know that it worked for you. A mata equivilant of this code might be faster, so if someone on this forum can spare some time and convert the above code to Mata, that would be great.
        Attaullah Shah, PhD.
        Professor of Finance, Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan
        Check out my asdoc program, which sends outputs to MS Word.
        For more flexibility, consider using asdocx which can send Stata outputs to MS Word, Excel, LaTeX, or HTML.


        • #5

          Here is a Mata code, see if it gives you what you want.

          st_view(r=.,.,tokens("ri1 ri2 ri3 ri4"))
          stata("levelsof year, local(y)")
          y = strtoreal( tokens( st_local("y"))' )
          VAR = J(rows(y),2,.)
          w = 0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25
          for (i = j = 1; i<=rows(y); i++ ) {
              s = select(r, ( rowsum(r:!=.) :== cols(r)  ) :* year :== y[i,1]  )
              s = (s :- mean(s))'(s :- mean(s)) :/ ( rows(s) - 1)
              v = w*s*w'
              VAR[j++,.] = y[i,1],v
          getmata (year VAR) = VAR
          save VAR, replace


          • #6
            Thanks both! I am not familiar with mata, but is there a way to avoid the manually inserting of the weights (w)? I have about 120 assets in the portfolio so this would be practically impossible...


            • #7
              Here is an example (with a data similar to yours) where you don't need to insert the weights manually.

              input firmid year w_ str3 currency
              1    2000    0.25    JPY
              1    2000    0.45    EUR
              1    2000    0.30    GBP
              1    2001    0.5    INR
              1    2001    0.5    AUD
              1    2002    0.5    CAD
              1    2002    0.5    SGD
              1    2003    0.1    CHF
              2    2001    0.5    MYR
              2    2001    0.5    JPY
              2    2003    0.5    GBP
              2    2003    0.5    CNY
              reshape wide w_ , i(firmid year) j(currency) string
              expand 12
              bys firmid year: gen month = _n
              save firm.dta, replace
              set obs 48
              gen year = round((_n+5)/12)+1999
              bys year: gen month = _n
              set seed 13485678
              gen USD_JPY = runiform()
              gen USD_EUR = runiform()
              gen USD_GBP = runiform()
              gen USD_INR = runiform()
              gen USD_AUD = runiform()
              gen USD_CAD = runiform()
              gen USD_SGD = runiform()
              gen USD_CHF = runiform()
              gen USD_MYR = runiform()
              gen USD_CNY = runiform()
              save exchange.dta, replace
              use firm.dta, clear
              sort year month
              merge m:1 year month using exchange.dta
              drop if _merge == 2
              sort firmid year month
              foreach e of varlist USD_JPY - USD_CNY {
              local c = substr("`e'",5,7)
              replace `e' = . if w_`c' == .
              //end, data creation
              egen fy = group(firmid year)
              gen VAR = .
              mata clear
              st_view(wt=.,.,tokens("w_AUD - w_SGD"))
              st_view(ex=.,.,tokens("USD_JPY - USD_CNY"))
              p = panelsetup(fy, 1)
              for (i=1; i<=rows(p); i++) {
                  r1 = p[i,1]
                  r2 = p[i,2]
                  w = select(wt[r1..r2,.],  colsum(wt[r1..r2,.]:!=.) :== rows(wt[r1..r2,.])   )
                  w = mean(w)
                  s = select(ex[r1..r2,.],  colsum(ex[r1..r2,.]:!=.) :== rows(ex[r1..r2,.])   )
                  s = (s :- mean(s))'(s :- mean(s)) :/ ( rows(s) - 1)
                  VAR[r1..r2,1] = (w*s*w') * J(r2-r1+1,1,1)


              • #8
                Thanks a lot, Abraham!


                • #9
                  One more question, how come the code returns the error r(3200) in some instances, despite the matrices being compatible? Could missing values ( for the exchange rates) be the reason

                  *: 3200 conformability error
                  <istmt>: - function returned error


                  • #10
                    Hi Elisabeth,

                    That may be the reason. The following code might solve the problem.
                    for (i=1; i<=rows(p); i++) {
                        r1 = p[i,1] ;     r2 = p[i,2]
                        w = mean( select(wt[r1..r2,.],  colsum(wt[r1..r2,.]:!=.) :== rows(wt[r1..r2,.])  )  )
                        s = variance( select(ex[r1..r2,.],  colsum(ex[r1..r2,.]:!=.) :> 0   ) )
                        if (cols(w) == cols(s)) {
                            VAR[r1..r2,1] = (w*s*w') * J(r2-r1+1,1,1)


                    • #11
                      Thanks a lot!


                      • #12
                        In follow up to my previous post: What could cause Stata (12SE) to run the previously suggested mata code up until a certain point and then output the following:
                        variance(): 3301 subscript invalid
                        <istmt>: - function returned error

                        The VAR variable representing portfolio variance is calculated correctly for a large number of observations in my panel, giving missing values where data is lacking, but then just stops running at a certain point, although there does not seem to be anything different between this observation and the previous ones. Has anyone seen this so far?

                        Many thanks for any suggestions,


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Elisabeth Maes View Post
                          Therefore I would like to use Modern Portfolio Theory to calculate portfolio variance.
                          I would like to the liberty and suggest some interesting work related to the subject undertaken in R that I came across recently:
                          Kind regards,
                          Version: Stata/IC 13.1


                          • #14
                            Thanks, Konrad, for your reply, but for the time being I would like to stick to Stata. Any other suggestions?


                            • #15
                              Finally solved it. Apparently, one single observation had all missing returns, while having non-missing weights.

