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  • Adding Percent Sign to Labels in Bar Graph

    I'd like to display the labels for the bar graph below as percents (with a "%" sign after them), but don't know how to do this beyond manually adding them using blabel().

    I am looking for a solution that's automated. Please correct me if this is wrong, but I don't think that there is a way to format variables to include percents that would then show up in a graph (as there is for commas).

    sysuse auto, clear
    generate p_over_5k = 0
    replace p_over_5k = 1 if price > 5000
    generate mileage = "Low" if mpg < 20
    replace mileage = "High" if mpg >= 20
    generate ones = 1
    collapse (sum) ones p_over_5k, by(foreign mileage)
    generate pr_over_5k = round(p_over_5k/ones, 0.01)*100
    graph bar (asis) pr_over_5k, over(foreign) over(mileage) asyvars blabel(bar) ytitle("Percent of Cars Over $5,000")

    Thank you for any assistance you can provide,

  • #2
    Dear Erika, something like this? Thanks for providing a starter. Sergiy.

    sysuse auto, clear
    generate p_over_5k = 0
    replace p_over_5k = 1 if price > 5000
    generate mileage = "Low" if mpg < 20
    replace mileage = "High" if mpg >= 20
    generate ones = 1
    collapse (sum) ones p_over_5k, by(foreign mileage)
    generate pr_over_5k = round(p_over_5k/ones, 0.01)*100
    graph bar (asis) pr_over_5k, over(foreign) over(mileage) asyvars blabel(bar) ytitle("Percent of Cars Over $5,000")
    local nb=`.Graph.plotregion1.barlabels.arrnels'
    forval i=1/`nb' {
      di "`.Graph.plotregion1.barlabels[`i'].text[1]'"


    • #3
      Thank you for this information and solution, Sergiy. Can you explain a bit more about how this loop works? It looks like it's calling specific elements of the graph, but I'm not familiar with the term "arrnels" (in the first line of the new code) or this method for modifying a graph.

      And can you confirm that there isn't a way to format a variable to include a percent sign (as there is with commas)?

      Thank you again,


      • #4
        Adding percent signs doesn't count as a Stata format. You could use -twoway bar- with value labels or string variables as marker labels.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Erika Kociolek View Post
          Thank you for this information and solution, Sergiy. Can you explain a bit more about how this loop works? It looks like it's calling specific elements of the graph, but I'm not familiar with the term "arrnels" (in the first line of the new code) or this method for modifying a graph.

          And can you confirm that there isn't a way to format a variable to include a percent sign (as there is with commas)?

          Thank you again,

          1) the loop works with the graph labels directly attaching the percent sign to every original label. Code like this requires knowledge of the internals of Stata graphics. This is advanced stuff and it is not documented. It just works.
          For arrnels on the other hand: see the class programming manual. In this case it is just a number of labels.
          You may do any transformations to the original labels (multiply/divide by 100, check for empty labels, attach $, % or something else, etc depending on the task).

          2) Yes, just as Nick has already confirmed, you can't create a format containing % in Stata.

          Best, Sergiy


          • #6
            Dear Sergiy,

            How do I have to adjust your loop for it to work in a combined graph with two bar charts?

            Many thanks,


            • #7
              Boris, notice how Erika has started her question with a starter code. Doing this increases the chances of response greatly. Best, Sergiy Radyakin

              clear all
              sysuse auto, clear
              generate p_over_5k = 0
              replace p_over_5k = 1 if price > 5000
              generate mileage = "Low" if mpg < 20
              replace mileage = "High" if mpg >= 20
              generate ones = 1
              collapse (sum) ones p_over_5k, by(foreign mileage)
              generate pr_over_5k = round(p_over_5k/ones, 0.01)*100
              graph bar (asis) pr_over_5k, over(foreign) over(mileage) asyvars blabel(bar) ytitle("Percent of Cars Over $5,000") name(G1)
              graph bar (asis) pr_over_5k, over(foreign) over(mileage) asyvars blabel(bar) ytitle("Percent of Cars Over $5,000") name(G2) bar(1,color(green)) bar(2,color(yellow)) 
              graph combine G1 G2
              local ng=`.Graph.graphs.arrnels'
              forval g=1/`ng' {
                  local nb=`.Graph.graphs[`g'].plotregion1.barlabels.arrnels'
                  forval i=1/`nb' {
                    di "`.Graph.graphs[`g'].plotregion1.barlabels[`i'].text[1]'"
              Click image for larger version

Name:	combined.png
Views:	1
Size:	68.3 KB
ID:	1345385


              • #8
                If you use twoway bar instead, you can knit your own bar label. This uses Sergiy's example, except that it doesn't show two versions of the same graph. No need for graph editor adjustments.

                clear all
                set scheme s1color 
                sysuse auto, clear
                generate mileage = mpg >= 20 
                label def mileage 0 "Low" 1  "High"
                label val mileage mileage 
                egen pc_over_5k = mean(100 * (price > 5000)), by(foreign mileage) 
                gen tolabel = string(pc_over_5k, "%2.0f") + "%" 
                twoway bar pc_over_5k mileage, base(0) barw(0.5) bfcolor(green*0.2)  ///
                by(foreign, note("") legend(off)) ///
                || scatter pc_over_5k mileage, ms(none) ysc(r(0 105)) yla(0(20)100) ///
                mlabel(tolabel) mlabpos(12) mlabcolor(black) xla(0 1, tlcolor(none) valuelabel) ///
                ytitle(% of cars > USD 5000)
                Click image for larger version

Name:	barbar.png
Views:	1
Size:	34.8 KB
ID:	1345408


                • #9
                  How could we use a similar code to the one Sergiy Radyakin shared to add percent symbols to the height labels of a histogram? Here is an example where I have height labels, but I would like to be able to add the percent symbol without doing it manually for each. Unfortunately, the code for the bar graph doesn't work with a histogram, and while I generally don't love histograms, there are times when they are useful.

                  sysuse auto, clear
                  hist mpg, percent addlabels addlabopts(mlabformat(%4.1fc))


                  • #10
                    sysuse auto, clear
                    twoway__histogram_gen mpg, frac gen(h x)
                    replace h = h*100
                    gen h_str = strofreal(h,"%3.1f") + "%" 
                    twoway bar h x, mlabel(h_str) barwidth(`=x[2]-x[1]') xlabel(10(10)40) ytitle("Percent") scheme(s1color) color(gs6) mlabcolor(black)
                    which produces

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-10-25 at 9.59.24 AM.png
Views:	1
Size:	124.7 KB
ID:	1686636


                    • #11
                      #9 and #10 To spell it out, you don't need Graph Editor trickery because histogram belongs to the twoway family so adding marker labels directly is possible. In fact #10 is neater than #8 in how that was done.


                      • #12
                        Interesting thank you. I understand that you're manually creating the label here, but when I copy the exact syntax into my Stata window there are no labels that appear on the bar. Why not?

                        sysuse auto, clear
                        twoway__histogram_gen mpg, frac gen(h x)
                            replace h = h*100
                            gen h_str = strofreal(h,"%3.1f") + "%"
                        twoway bar h x, ///
                                mlabel(h_str) mlabcolor(black) ///
                                barwidth(`=x[2]-x[1]') ///
                                xlabel(10(10)40) ytitle("Percent") ///
                                scheme(s1color) color(gs6)
                        Produced the attached graphic. What am I missing here?
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Kenzie Reid; 27 Oct 2022, 14:21.

