The single-program package stripplot has been updated on SSC, thanks as usual to Kit Baum. Stata 8.2 is required.
If interested, install or replace with ssc or adoupdate.
stripplot started in 1999 as an alternative to graph, oneway (since Stata 8 gr7, oneway) but has since morphed by a mix of accident and design into an alternative to the official command dotplot. The aim is to compare distributions and a variety of displays is possible, including linear and stacked dot and strip plots, with in conjunction box plots or confidence intervals.
The main changes in this version are
1. Much extended help file.
2. Side-by-side quantile plots (or less usefully, in my view, cumulative distribution plots stacked vertically) as an alternative display.
3. Horizontal reference lines for e.g. means and medians (with a documented limit to this). This detail was sparked by users' comments at the Boston meeting in July on the +++ reference lines allowed with dotplot.
#2 and #3 are exemplified by this token graph using Stata's citytemp dataset. The reference lines are means in this instance.

Here is another example, with Stata's auto data used to show a hybrid box and quantile plot. (Box plots can leave out so much....) The reference lines here are medians.
If interested, install or replace with ssc or adoupdate.
stripplot started in 1999 as an alternative to graph, oneway (since Stata 8 gr7, oneway) but has since morphed by a mix of accident and design into an alternative to the official command dotplot. The aim is to compare distributions and a variety of displays is possible, including linear and stacked dot and strip plots, with in conjunction box plots or confidence intervals.
The main changes in this version are
1. Much extended help file.
2. Side-by-side quantile plots (or less usefully, in my view, cumulative distribution plots stacked vertically) as an alternative display.
3. Horizontal reference lines for e.g. means and medians (with a documented limit to this). This detail was sparked by users' comments at the Boston meeting in July on the +++ reference lines allowed with dotplot.
#2 and #3 are exemplified by this token graph using Stata's citytemp dataset. The reference lines are means in this instance.
Here is another example, with Stata's auto data used to show a hybrid box and quantile plot. (Box plots can leave out so much....) The reference lines here are medians.