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  • Sargan test of dynamic panl GMM model is influenced by one endogenous variable


    I hope that I can find some help on my issue. I have specified a dynamic panel GMM model using Stata's xtabond command.

    I want to explain product sales and I have weekly(T=6) information the rating, review count and price of the products. My model looks like this:

    log_sales(it)= α + β0*sales(t-1) + β1*rating(it) + β2*log_review_count(it) + β3*price(it) + μ(i) + ε(it).

    In my dynamic panel GMM model rating is exogenous, price is endogenous and I suspect log_review_count to be endogenous as well.

    Hence in Stata I specify:

    xtabond log_sales rating, lags(1) maxldep(1) endogenous(price, lag(0,1)) endogenous(log_review_count, lag (0,1))

    After the estimation I carry out a Sargan test, which is significant and indicates overidentification.

    Yet what is puzzling me is that the Sargan test is insignificant if I treat the variable log_review_count as exogenous.
    I should also mention that log_review_count is non-stationary, i.e. it increases over time for every product.

    Does anybody have any idea why this happens. Does this indicate that log_review_count is actually exogneous and should be treates as such despite my theoretical considerations that it is endogenous?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
