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  • Error when installing user-created Stata commands

    Dear Stata users,

    I am very new to Stata so my quesiton may appear very basic.

    I am trying to install a user-written package to my Stata, by running the following command:

    ssc install venndiag
    But I the command call gets error (or is breaking), with this message

    . ssc install venndiag
    It might have to do with security reasons at my workplace, that I cannot access internet from within Stata. But I have asked IT-responsible to run the same command (with administror rights), but he got the same error.

    Would you be so kind to let me know what can be the reason for this error? I get the same problem while trying to install other packages or if I am trying to access a dataset directly from the interent.

    Thank you in advance!

  • #2
    ssc install venndiag
    works for me. I can talk easily (from home) to sites like SSC. Occasionally SSC goes down but I would guess rather at some problem your end.

    help netio
    was helpful to me under quite different conditions. Your local IT person may notice a key detail.

    On a different level,

    search venn
    finds other programs, including some that avoid the problems of Venn diagrams by drawing something else.

    I am most familiar with upsetplot and vennbar from SSC. See a presentation at

    and posts at


    if interested. The paper mentioned in the presentation is in press within Stata Journal 24(2) and should be out around the end of June.


    • #3
      Hey Nick Cox , thank you for the answers and links to resources. I need to talk to my IT department what can be the problem, meanwhile I can check the other possibilities for Venn diagram.

