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  • eoprobit clarification question

    Hello everyone,

    as a long-time reader of Statalist the time has come to pose a question of my own. I am trying the estimate the effect of a continuous treatment x on an ordinal outcome y (i.e. has the perceived risk of job loss gone up/down/remained the same). To identify the causal impact of x on y I have a set of (weak) instrumental variables, so I was trying to find an IV version of Stata's oprobit command. I came across Stata's eoprobit - the documentation explains how eoprobit lets you specify a model for endogenous covariates but never directly mentions instruments or the standard first stage model statistics. Therefore, I wanted to ask two clarification questions:

    1. Is eoprobit essentially the IV version of oprobit or am I missing anything?
    2. If eoprobit is in fact equivalent to oprobit with IV, is there any way to conduct weak instrument robust inference as with ivreg2?

    Thanks for your help!