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  • Calculating Infant mortality rate at granular level using Bangladesh Demographic and health survey

    Hi I am working with BDHS data to calculate infant mortality rate of Bangladesh at more granular level. I need to merge BR file with KR file. I don't understand which one will be my master file and which one is the using file and then code to merge and calculate IMR at cluster level.

  • #2
    Your question needs to be more specific, but it usually doesn't matter which file is the master and which is the using. Keep in mind that the using file must be in Stata's native .dta format. If you want help with the code for merging, you should read through the help file and follow up with a specific question if you need further clarification. Be sure to provide any code you've already tried and the associated error message.

    help merge
    If you want help calculating the IMR at the cluster level, finish merging the data, then create a new post where you ask about calculating cluster-level infant mortality and provide a data example with -dataex-. Be sure to point out which variable is the cluster variable.


    • #3
      Thank you so much.

