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  • Equivalent command for dtable (Stat 18) in Stata 17 (example uncluded)


    I have Stata 17 and am trying to recreate the table in the link. It has been created using the dtable command in Stata 18.

    I require descriptive statistics for my independent variables (mix of continuous and categorical) by a categorical outcome variable.

    I'd be very grateful for help with this. Thank you!

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	1750121

  • #2
    Here is how you can use the table and collect commands in Stata 17 to recreate the table you link.
    clear all
    webuse nhanes2l
    local cvars age weight bpsystol
    local fvars sex race
    * compute the summary statistics
    table () (diabetes), ///
        statistic(frequency) ///
        statistic(percent) ///
        statistic(mean `cvars') ///
        statistic(sd `cvars') ///
        statistic(fvfrequency `fvars') ///
        statistic(fvpercent `fvars') ///
    * look at the default layout specification
    collect layout
    * define the composite result similar to that of -dtable-
    collect composite define ///
        stats = frequency percent ///
            mean sd ///
            fvfrequency fvpercent ///
        , trim
    collect style autolevels result stats, clear
    collect style header result[stats], level(hide)
    * some other -dtable- style choices
    collect style cell result[percent fvpercent], sformat("(%s%%)") nformat(%9.1f)
    collect style cell result[sd], sformat("(%s)")
    collect style cell result[mean sd], nformat(%9.3f)
    * -table- uses -var[_hide]- to tag the frequency and percent,
    * but -dtable- shows "N"
    collect recode var _hide = N, fortags(result[frequency percent])
    * -dtable- uses the stacked row style with -nobinder-
    collect style row stack, nobinder
    * arrange the composite results like -dtable-
    collect layout (var) (diabetes#result)
    * publish your table to a supported file format
    collect export table1.html, replace


    • #3
      Thank you so much!! This worked perfectly. :0)

      Would you be able to help modify the code to display row %s instead of column %s?


      • #4
        Here is the above example, modified to compute row percent values for the factor variables.
        clear all
        webuse nhanes2l
        local cvars age weight bpsystol
        local fvars sex race
        * compute the summary and continuous variable statistics
        table () (diabetes), ///
            statistic(frequency) ///
            statistic(percent) ///
            statistic(mean `cvars') ///
            statistic(sd `cvars')
        * show "N" for the sample frequency and percents
        collect recode var _hide = N, fortags(result[frequency percent])
        * compute tabulations of each factor variable across levels of diabetes
        foreach fvar of local fvars {
            table (`fvar') (diabetes), ///
                    statistic(frequency) ///
                    statistic(percent, across(diabetes)) ///
                totals(`fvar') ///
        * combine all above collections into a new one called 'all'
        collect combine all = Table `fvars'
        * define the composite result similar to that of -dtable-
        collect composite define ///
            stats = frequency percent ///
                mean sd ///
            , trim
        collect style autolevels result stats, clear
        collect style header result[stats], level(hide)
        * some other -dtable- style choices
        collect style cell result[percent], sformat("(%s%%)") nformat(%9.1f)
        collect style cell result[sd], sformat("(%s)")
        collect style cell result[mean sd], nformat(%9.3f)
        * arrange the composite results like -dtable-
        collect layout (var `fvars') (diabetes#result)
        * publish your table to a supported file format
        collect export table1b.html, replace
        Here is the resulting table.
                                |                      Diabetes status
                                |      Not diabetic           Diabetic              Total
        N                       |     9,850 (95.2%)         499 (4.8%)    10,349 (100.0%)
        Age (years)             |   46.918 (17.193)    60.687 (11.475)    47.582 (17.216)
        Weight (kg)             |   71.658 (15.220)    76.670 (17.175)    71.900 (15.357)
        Systolic blood pressure |  130.088 (22.759)   146.651 (28.387)   130.887 (23.332)
        Sex                     |
          Male                  |     4,698 (95.6%)         217 (4.4%)     4,915 (100.0%)
          Female                |     5,152 (94.8%)         282 (5.2%)     5,434 (100.0%)
        Race                    |
          White                 |     8,659 (95.5%)         404 (4.5%)     9,063 (100.0%)
          Black                 |     1,000 (92.1%)          86 (7.9%)     1,086 (100.0%)
          Other                 |       191 (95.5%)           9 (4.5%)       200 (100.0%)


        • #5
          Hi Jeff,

          Thank you so much! I really appreciate you help.. Worked perfectly.

