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  • Export correlation coefficient matrix of the selected variables only

    Hi all, I have a list of x variables, from x1 through x10, and a list of y variables, from y1 through y10. I am interested in reporting correlation coefficients between x1 and y1, x2 and y2, and so on through x10 and y10. I do not require other coefficients. What would be the best way to export the results? It would be wonderful if anyone could create a table with x vars on the top row and y vars on the first column and the coefficients placed diagonally on the matrix table.

    You can use the following code to generate data to illustrate the required process.

    clear all
    set seed 12456789
    set obs 5
    forvalues i = 1/10{
        gen x`i' = runiform(0, 1)
    forvalues i =1/10{
        gen y`i' = rpoisson(1)*400

  • #2
    If you have Stata 17 or newer, and you are looking to publish your table/matrix of correlations to a document, you can use the collect suite of commands to post them to a collection, arrange them in a table, and export them to any of the supported document formats.

    Here is an example based on your simulated data setup.
    clear all
    set seed 12456789
    set obs 5
    local dim 10
    forvalues i = 1/`dim' {
        gen x`i' = runiform(0, 1)
    forvalues i =1/`dim' {
        gen y`i' = rpoisson(1)*400
    collect clear
    matrix C = J(`dim',`dim',.)
    forvalues i = 1/`dim'  {
        * compute correlation
        correlate x`i' y`i'
        * collect result and tag it for easy arrangement/layout
        collect get rho = (r(rho)) , tags(X[x`i'] Y[y`i'])
    * format the correlations
    collect style cell result[rho], nformat(%9.3f)
    * arrange the values as requested
    collect layout (Y) (X) (result[rho])
    Here is the resulting table.
        |    x1     x2    x3    x4    x5     x6     x7     x8    x9    x10
    y1  | 0.963
    y2  |       -0.093
    y3  |              0.022
    y4  |                    0.187
    y5  |                          0.206
    y6  |                                -0.241
    y7  |                                       -0.234
    y8  |                                              -0.260
    y9  |                                                     0.055
    y10 |                                                           -0.215
    For more information about collect and the relatively new custom tables
    features in Stata, see [Tables].


    • #3
      Thank you

