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  • Variable Players in different rounds

    Hi everyone,
    In my data set, I have data from an experiment (long reshaped) that was played for 15 rounds and 2 different treatments. This means I have 30 different variables (one for each round x one per treatment) where I know if the player was a player 1 or 2. Because I want to graph something filtering only for player 1 in each round, I want to create a variable that tells me when the player was P1.

    I've tried with this:
    gen P1_round = 0
    foreach i of numlist 1/15 {
        replace P1_round = 1 if inlist(hd`i'groupid_in_subsession, 1, 3) | inlist(sh`i'groupid_in_subsession, 1, 3)
    However, because I had 15 rounds sooner or later, all players had the role of player 1, and therefore, the variable always took value 1 for everyone.

    The data are like this:

    hd1groupid_in_subsession    hd2groupid_in_subsession    hd3groupid_in_subsession    hd4groupid_in_subsession    hd5groupid_in_subsession...
    3    1    4    3    3
    2    3    2    4    2
    1    2    4    2    2
    4    4    2    4    3
    1    4    1    1    2
    1    3    4    1    1
    4    2    1    2    4
    3    1    4    3    4
    2    1    3    3    3
    In my code, Player 1 is a player when
    hd#groupid_in_subsession== 1 and 3 | sh#groupid_in_subsession== 1 and 3
    while Player 2 and 4 are player 2.

    Thank you for any help you can give me
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