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  • Interpreting the following average marginal effects?

    I recently received help from the forum that helped me obtain the marginal effects I was after. Now I am a bit stumped on interpretation. I have the following AMEs after an interaction, where reduccat is respondent's education and keducat is the highest level of education of their children. I see that I have on significant dy/dx. How can this be substantively interpreted? My main IV is child's education, and I want to know if this association is moderated by the respondent's (their parents's) education. Since 2.k keducat, where reduccat is "HS," does this mean that the effect of having a child with a college degree is stronger for respondent's with a high school degree? Or is it "The effect of having a child with a college degree, compared to a child with HS, is amplified when the respondent has only a HS degree?" I am not sure how to compare to the omitted keduc category.

    I took this approach based on the categorical by categorical approach presented here:

    . mimrgns reduccat, dydx(keducat)
    note: option predict() not specified; predict(xb) assumed
    Multiple-imputation estimates                   Imputations       =         20
    Average marginal effects                        Number of obs     =      5,046
                                                    Average RVI       =     0.0062
                                                    Largest FMI       =     0.0111
    DF adjustment:   Large sample                   DF:     min       = 155,667.77
                                                            avg       = 3980951.47
    Within VCE type: Delta-method                           max       =   1.18e+07
    Expression   : Linear prediction (log odds), predict(xb)
    dy/dx w.r.t. : 1.keducat 2.keducat
                 |      dy/dx   Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
    0.keducat    |  (base outcome)
    1.keducat    |
        reduccat |
             HS  |   .0907721   .1525444     0.60   0.552    -.2082106    .3897548
       Some Col  |  -.1920499   .2541508    -0.76   0.450    -.6901776    .3060779
           Col+  |  -.4071653   .4889296    -0.83   0.405     -1.36545    .5511192
    2.keducat    |
        reduccat |
             HS  |   .5117982   .1500929     3.41   0.001     .2176191    .8059772
       Some Col  |   .3979326   .2460594     1.62   0.106    -.0843371    .8802024
           Col+  |   .0360967   .4631199     0.08   0.938    -.8716017    .9437951
    Note: dy/dx for factor levels is the discrete change from the base level.