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  • xthtaylor: Estimation with no time-invariant exogenous variables

    Dear all,

    Is it currently possible to estimate xthtaylor model with no time-invariant exogenous variables ?
    If not possible, do you know any alternative Stata package (including community packages) to estimate
    HT model which deals with this specification ?

    Currently, I get error:

    "There are no time-invariant exogenous variables in the model.
    If you have those variables specified, they may have been removed because of collinearity.

    Best regards,


  • #2
    I have suggested to StataCorp long time ago to amend xthtaylor such that it can be run in such cases. Unfortunately, I am still waiting for such an update to happen.

    In your case, you can still trick the command to do what you want by generating and including a regressor for the constant (which is exogenous and time-invariant), and running the command with the noconstant option; the regression intercept is then the coefficient of that constant regressor:
    webuse psidextract
    gen byte cons = 1
    xthtaylor lwage wks south smsa ms exp exp2 occ ind union fem blk ed cons, endog(exp exp2 occ ind union fem blk ed) constant(fem blk ed cons) nocons


    • #3
      Thank you for your suggestion, it works great.
      It would be great that StataCorp implements this feature, users could then also use this specification without an intercept.

