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  • Adding independent variables to xtlogit

    Dear all,

    For my thesis I have to research the causes of layoffs for (big) Belgian firms. Period 2011-2020: unbalanced panel data, but with gaps. Around 98k observations for layoff variable (dependent var).

    To be able to give an adequate answer to my research question, I investigate 4 hypotheses. For the last 2 hypotheses I use seperate models. But for my first two hypotheses, "a decrease in productivity will increase the chance of a layoff" & "a decrease in profitability will increase the chance of a layoff", I was using just one xtlogit model:

    Xtlogit layoff decreaseproductivity1y decreaseROA1y (control variables), fe
    I was just wondering if this is the correct methodology that I'm following, or should I use seperate models for productivity and profitability aswell (just like I'm doing for my 3rth and 4th hypothesis)?

    Kind regards,

  • #2
    set aside that is -xtlogit- and not -Xtlogit-, I fear that your first code may suffer from endogeneity (reverse causation) if the chance of layoff can actually decreases productivity.
    What's your supervisor's opinion about your approach(es)?
    Kind regards,
    (Stata 18.0 SE)


    • #3
      As an aside to Carlo’s great point, with logit the interpretability of the coefficients is a lot more complicated than with OLS’s Linear Probability Model, seen as here you are modeling the outcome as a log-odds ratio.

      Be sure to then report accurate marginal effects, as the coefficient you will obtain on “decreaseproductivity” cannot be interpreted as the impact of a decrease in productivity on the probability of dismissal per se.


      • #4

        Thanks for the comment. My bad, I meant -xtlogit- ofc. Supervisor did not give me any direct feedback about this. I also can't ask for any more feedback. Final deadline is tommorow (which is ok, because I have everything ready in my do-file), but this is just one last thing that I'm wondering if it is correct. I also feared that my first code is not correct, but I do not completely understand your comment. If I remove 'decreaseROA' from the first code, will the risk of reverse causation be minimalised?
        But on the other hand I do understand your remark: from other research I learned that the survivor's syndrome may lead to a decrease in productivity. Still, not quite clear for me to remove 'decreaseROA1y' and to make a seperate model for this hypothesis.


        Thanks for the comment. But I'm not allowed to interpret all the coëfficiënt as an odds-ratio (my research is no "exact science" according to my supervisor), the main goal for my thesis is to look at the + or - sign of the coëfficiënt and the corresponding p-values.


        • #5
          1) removing return on assets (ROA) does not change the risk of reverse causation between layoff and decreased productivity.
          That said, as you deadline is tomorrow, I'd prepare to reply to a possible issue concerning what above from discussants. The usual formula is something along the following lines: "More research is needed to delve into the relationship between layoff and decreased productivity so to rule out any endogeneity problem." Please note that endogeneity is a serious nuisance that makes your coefficients unreliable;
          A reference concerning the economics of more research is needed can be found (free of charge) at:
          2) FWIW, I respectfully disagree with your supervisor on p-value relevance without considering 95% CIs (see, free of charge,
          Kind regards,
          (Stata 18.0 SE)


          • #6

            Thank you very much. My thesis is finished. If you ever come to Belgium, I'll provide you with some cold Stella Artois'.

            Kind regards,


            • #7
              I'm teetotaller, but thanks anyway.
              Finger crossed for your discussion!
              Kind regards,
              (Stata 18.0 SE)


              • #8

