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  • In by cat_var bar graph, how to show var names only on the first graph y-axis

    Dear Statalists,

    Could you help me how i can show variable names of the bars only on the first y-axis of the categorical vars. As you can see from the figure below in my case it is hows on the y-axis of every category. How can I also position the variable names outside to the left of the bars? Here is my example:

    sysuse auto
     graph hbar mpg displacement, by(foreign, total row(1)) ascategory blabel(bar) yvar(relabel(1 "`: var label mpg'" 2 "`: var label displacement'"))

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	115.2 KB
ID:	1636052

  • #2
    Perhaps that could be fixed going further down that road, but I tried just custom code for tabplot from the Stata Journal.

    sysuse auto, clear 
     graph hbar mpg displacement, by(foreign, total row(1)) ascategory blabel(bar) yvar(relabel(1 "`: var label mpg'" 2 "`: var label displacement'"))
     gen mean = . 
     gen row = ""
     egen col = seq(), to(3) 
     local i = 0 
     foreach v of var mpg displacement { 
     forval g = 0/2 { 
         local ++i 
         replace row = "`: var label `v''" in `i'
         if inlist(`g', 0, 1) { 
             summarize `v' if foreign == `g', meanonly 
             label def col `i' "`: label (foreign) `g''", modify 
         else { 
             summarize `v', meanonly 
             label def col `i' "Total", modify 
         replace mean = r(mean) in `i' 
    label val col col 
    tabplot row col [iw=mean],  xtitle("") ytitle("") bfcolor(none) showval(format(%2.1f))
    Click image for larger version

Name:	awkward.png
Views:	1
Size:	17.2 KB
ID:	1636068


    • #3
      The following based on your example combines too many elements, but the main ideas are drawn from this thread and this thread You want to have your variable in long format so that you can use the -over()- option and thus manipulate the values and labels (with the intention of using the -nofill- option). You assign invisible characters to categories on the right-hand side categories. The total group is obtained by expanding the data. Then, you need an empty category to force graph bar to maintain equal bar widths across categories.

      sysuse auto, clear
      rename (mpg disp) var=
      reshape long var, i(make) j(desc) string
      encode desc, gen(which)
      replace which=3 if which==1 & foreign
      replace which=4 if which==2 & foreign
      label def `: val lab which' 3 "`:di "`=uchar(28)'"'", add
      label def `: val lab which' 4 "`:di "`=uchar(28)'"'", add
      expand 2, g(new)
      replace which= 5 if new & inlist(which, 1,3)
      replace which= 6 if new & inlist(which, 2,4)
      replace foreign =2 if new
      label def `: val lab foreign' 2 "Total", add
      label def `: val lab which' 5 "`:di "`=uchar(28)'"'", add
      label def `: val lab which' 6 "`:di "`=uchar(28)'"'", add
      expand 2, gen(final)
      replace which=7 if final
      replace var=. if which==7
      graph hbar var, over(which) by(foreign, row(1) note("")) ascategory blabel(bar) nofill  ytitle("")
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	31.3 KB
ID:	1636133

      Last edited by Andrew Musau; 11 Nov 2021, 11:39.


      • #4
        Dear Andrew and Nick,

        Your codes are so helpful thank you so much indeed for your time!!!


        • #5
          Dears @Andrew Musau, @Nick Cox and all,

          I have one more related question.

          How can I add 95% confidence interval lines for the means of the above bar graph?


          • #6
            You need to calculate the means and confidence intervals before you can plot them. See for some suggestions.

