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  • Help with rangestat calculating moving average results in all missing values

    Hello I am trying to calculate the rolling average of the past 36 months (periods) and when I run the code using rangestat the new variable results in all missing values. I am not sure how to fix this and output the correct calculation.

    Here is an example of my sample:

    input double date long _ID float country_pdsi
    4.733856e+11 9  1.5002956
     4.76064e+11 9  1.7449586
    4.784832e+11 9  1.6589595
    4.811616e+11 9  1.4847733
    4.837536e+11 9  1.0025214
     4.86432e+11 9   .8517559
     4.89024e+11 9   .7509255
    4.917024e+11 9   .7988663
    format %tc date
    This is my code to calculate the 36 month moving average.

    xtset _ID date
    rangestat (mean) country_pdsi, interval(date -36 -1) by(_ID)

  • #2
    I think the issue is with your time variable. A datetime variable is expressed in milliseconds and you really do not want to do the math to convert milliseconds to months. I would suggest creating a daily time variable and then calculate months on the basis of that.

    gen date2= dofc(date)
    format date2 %td

    Then you can express 36 months as 36*30 = 1080 days.


    • #3
      I agree with Andrew Musau in the problem being your datetime variable.

      Let's reinstate a few details edited out of dataex output. and see what's going on.

      input double date long _ID float country_pdsi
      4.733856e+11 9  1.5002956
       4.76064e+11 9  1.7449586
      4.784832e+11 9  1.6589595
      4.811616e+11 9  1.4847733
      4.837536e+11 9  1.0025214
       4.86432e+11 9   .8517559
       4.89024e+11 9   .7509255
      4.917024e+11 9   .7988663
      format date %tc 
      list , sep(0)
           |               date   _ID   countr~i |
        1. | 01jan1975 00:00:00     9   1.500296 |
        2. | 01feb1975 00:00:00     9   1.744959 |
        3. | 01mar1975 00:00:00     9    1.65896 |
        4. | 01apr1975 00:00:00     9   1.484773 |
        5. | 01may1975 00:00:00     9   1.002521 |
        6. | 01jun1975 00:00:00     9   .8517559 |
        7. | 01jul1975 00:00:00     9   .7509255 |
        8. | 01aug1975 00:00:00     9   .7988663 |
      So, somehow or other you have monthly dates. Your command says average all measurements that happened between 1 and 36 milliseconds before the present datetime, but there aren't any, which is why rangestat returns missings. Unlike its authors, rangestat is just a robot incapable of working out what you mean when it is not what you say.

      The remedy is to map to monthly dates (here I differ slightly from Andrew)

      gen mdate = mofd(dofc(date)) 
      format mdate %tm
       rangestat (mean) country_pdsi, interval(mdate -36 -1) by(_ID)


      • #4
        Thank you very much for you help! I was able to get the correct output by fixing the format of the date variable.


        • #5
          It's not the format that needs to be changed; it's the contents!

