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  • factor-variable and time-series operators not allowed r101

    Hello experts

    I'm trying to perform a Stratification-Multilevel analysis using the hte package. However, when I use any of my variables as a factor, I get the following error:
    factor-variable and time-series operators not allowed
    The code works when my variables are not indicated as a factor, as shown below:
    hte sm Filhos_Total sup racac idade ocuppaic migagreg Escpais maeadol urbc [pw=V32039], estcom(poisson) noisily
    The problem occurs when I indicate that one of them is a factor, as with the i.ocuppaic variable in the code bellow:
    hte sm Filhos_Total sup racac idade i.ocuppaic migagreg Escpais maeadol urbc [pw=V32039], estcom(poisson) noisily

    Does anyone know what is happening? Is it a sintax error?

  • #2
    -hte- is not an official Stata command. I've never heard of it and don't know where it comes from. But user-written commands sometimes don't support factor-variable notation, particularly if they were written before Stata introduced it. You might try checking the source of the command to see if there is an updated version that does allow factor variable notation. If not, you'll either have to do without factor-variable notation or perhaps search for some other command that will do the analysis you want and is more modern.


    • #3
      I hate the old xi: prefix, but occasionally I will grudgingly use it situations like this. The output looks hideous but it is functional.
      Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
      Stata Version: 17.0 MP (2 processor)

      EMAIL: [email protected]

