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  • Puzzling Post Hoc Power Calculation

    I was trying to show a colleague that post hoc power calculations are nonsensical with the following example:

    . /* Congruent Results */
    . power twoproportions 0.146, n1(254426) n2(255237) alpha(.05) power(0.8) test(chi2) effect(ratio)
    Performing iteration ...
    Estimated experimental-group proportion for a two-sample proportions test
    Pearson's chi-squared test
    H0: p2 = p1  versus  Ha: p2 != p1; p2 > p1
    Study parameters:
            alpha =    0.0500
            power =    0.8000
                N =   509,663
               N1 =   254,426
               N2 =   255,237
            N2/N1 =    1.0032
               p1 =    0.1460
    Estimated effect size and experimental-group proportion:
            delta =    1.0191  (ratio)
               p2 =    0.1488
    . display "MDE (in %)) " 100*(r(p2) - r(p1))/r(p1)
    MDE (in %)) 1.9056807
    . prtesti 254426 0.146 255237 .1488, level(95) // use MDE from above
    Two-sample test of proportions                     x: Number of obs =   254426
                                                       y: Number of obs =   255237
                 |       Mean   Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
               x |       .146      .0007                      .1446279    .1473721
               y |      .1488   .0007044                      .1474193    .1501807
            diff |     -.0028   .0009931                     -.0047465   -.0008535
                 |  under H0:   .0009931    -2.82   0.005
            diff = prop(x) - prop(y)                                  z =  -2.8193
        H0: diff = 0
        Ha: diff < 0                 Ha: diff != 0                 Ha: diff > 0
     Pr(Z < z) = 0.0024         Pr(|Z| > |z|) = 0.0048          Pr(Z > z) = 0.9976
    . display "Estimated ratio = "  100*(r(P2) - r(P1))/r(P1)
    Estimated ratio = 1.9178082
    This worked exactly as I anticipated.

    But then he gave me a counterexample, where a statistically significant difference is smaller than the MDE:

    . /* Incongruent Results From Experiments */
    . prtesti 254426 0.146 255237 .148, level(95)
    Two-sample test of proportions                     x: Number of obs =   254426
                                                       y: Number of obs =   255237
                 |       Mean   Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
               x |       .146      .0007                      .1446279    .1473721
               y |       .148   .0007029                      .1466224    .1493776
            diff |      -.002    .000992                     -.0039443   -.0000557
                 |  under H0:    .000992    -2.02   0.044
            diff = prop(x) - prop(y)                                  z =  -2.0161
        H0: diff = 0
        Ha: diff < 0                 Ha: diff != 0                 Ha: diff > 0
     Pr(Z < z) = 0.0219         Pr(|Z| > |z|) = 0.0438          Pr(Z > z) = 0.9781
    . display "Estimated ratio = "  100*(r(P2) - r(P1))/r(P1) // SS diff < MDE
    Estimated ratio = 1.369863
    I am having a hard time wrapping my brain around this. Why can I reject the null when it is smaller than the MDE from the power calculation?

  • #2
    Here's a slightly tweaked version of the code. I would love to understand why the MDE from -power twoproportions- is a bit conservative here.

    /* need to swap T and C for prtesti */
    /* Congruent Results */
    power twoproportions 0.146, n1(254426) n2(255237) alpha(.05) power(0.8) test(chi2) effect(diff)
    display "MDE (in %)) " 100*(r(p2) - r(p1))/r(p1)
    prtesti 255237 .1488 254426 0.146 , level(95) // use MDE from above
    display "Estimated ratio = "  100*(r(P1) - r(P2))/r(P2)
    /* Incongruent Results From Experiments */
    prtesti 255237 0.148 254426 0.146 , level(95) 
    display "Estimated ratio = "  100*(r(P1) - r(P2))/r(P2) // SS diff < MDE


    • #3
      Posted and answered by myself here. Rookie mistake on my end thinking of power as fixed.

