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  • matsize too small

    Hi all How can I solve the following error message:

    matsize too small to create a [43199,12] matrix

    Thank you in advance

  • #2
    I believe you can just type:

    set matsize # [, permanently]
    See "help matsize" for more details.


    • #3
      However, it looks like you may not be able to create such a large matrix depending on your version of Stata. The help file I recommended above shows the following limitations:

      10 < # < 11000 for Stata/MP and Stata/SE
      and 10 < # < 800 for Stata/IC.


      • #4
        StataMP is capable of creating matrices with maximum dimension of 65,534x65,534.


        • #5
          As long as the error message occurs as part of code written by yourself, you could think about transferring the matrix into Mata, do the calculations there and then transfer the result back to Stata. Mata is not bound by the limits in matsize.


          • #6
            Thank you all Sven-Kristjan actually I do not know how to use Mata - I mean, how to transfer the calculations there and then transfer them back into Stata...


            • #7
              The exact way of transferring the matrix or the calculations depend on your code. You did not show an example of the code which caused the error message. Hence, it is difficult to say how you could solve your problem with Mata.


              • #8
                This is the code:

                local years = "2017 2018 2019 2020"
                local countries = "AT BE BG CY CZ DE DK EE EL ES FI FR HR HU IE IT LT LU LV MT NL PL PT RO SE SI SK UK"

                ************************************************** *****************************
                * Exporting the Atkinson Index table to Excel
                ************************************************** *****************************

                foreach ctr in `countries' {
                foreach yrs in `years' {

                use "${path_log}\countryfile_atk_webstats_all_1", clear
                save "${path_log}\countryfile_atk_webstats_all", emptyok replace

                insheet using "${path_log}\countryfile_`ctr'_`yrs'.txt", tab clear
                save "`ctr'_`yrs'", replace
                use "${path_log}\countryfile_atk_webstats_all_1", clear
                append using "`ctr'_`yrs'"
                save "${path_log}\countryfile_atk_webstats_all_1", replace
                erase "`ctr'_`yrs'.dta"


                use "${path_log}\countryfile_atk_webstats_all_1", clear
                save "${path_log}\countryfile_atk_webstats_all", replace
                sort country year

                * Exporting tables to Excel
                use "${path_log}\countryfile_atk_webstats_all", clear

                * Write header to the output file
                cap file close webstatsfile
                file open webstatsfile using "${outputfile2}", write text replace // "${outputfile2}" == "${path_projectfolder}\base_line_statistics_atk_2. csv"
                file write webstatsfile "EUROMOD Web Statistics - Atkinson Index"
                cap file close webstatsfile

                save "${path_log}\temp_atk1.dta", replace
                use "${path_log}\temp_atk1.dta", replace

                * Decoding country var to a numeric var
                gen c_numb = 0

                replace c_numb = 1 if country == "AT"
                replace c_numb = 2 if country == "BE"
                replace c_numb = 3 if country == "DK"
                replace c_numb = 4 if country == "FI"
                replace c_numb = 5 if country == "FR"
                replace c_numb = 6 if country == "DE"
                replace c_numb = 7 if country == "EL"
                replace c_numb = 8 if country == "IE"
                replace c_numb = 9 if country == "IT"
                replace c_numb = 10 if country == "LU"
                replace c_numb = 11 if country == "NL"
                replace c_numb = 12 if country == "PT"
                replace c_numb = 13 if country == "ES"
                replace c_numb = 14 if country == "SE"
                replace c_numb = 15 if country == "UK"
                replace c_numb = 16 if country == "EE"
                replace c_numb = 17 if country == "HU"
                replace c_numb = 18 if country == "PL"
                replace c_numb = 19 if country == "SI"
                replace c_numb = 20 if country == "BG"
                replace c_numb = 21 if country == "CZ"
                replace c_numb = 22 if country == "CY"
                replace c_numb = 23 if country == "LV"
                replace c_numb = 24 if country == "LT"
                replace c_numb = 25 if country == "MT"
                replace c_numb = 26 if country == "RO"
                replace c_numb = 27 if country == "SK"
                replace c_numb = 28 if country == "HR"

                gen key=c_numb*10000+year

                * Create the *Table 8 - Atkinson Index*
                local tt_T8 = "Table 8: Effects of tax-benefit system on inequality (Atkinson index)"
                mkmat c_numb year key dpi_atkinson05 dpi_atkinson1 dpi_atkinson15 orig_atkinson05 orig_atkinson1 orig_atkinson15 origpen_atkinson05 origpen_atkinson1 origpen_atkinson15, matrix (T8)
                noi mat list T8

                drop c_numb key

                foreach outputmatrix in T8 { // T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 F3
                file open webstatsfile using "${outputfile2}", write text append
                file write webstatsfile _n
                file close webstatsfile
                noi esttab matrix(`outputmatrix') using base_line_statistics_atk, append title(`tt_`outputmatrix'')

                erase "${outputfile2}"
                capture log close


                • #9
                  If I understand your code correctly, then you are trying to export a matrix with more 40,000 rows to get some table. Whether this makes sense, is up to you.
                  You also do not show where exactly in the code the error message occurs, so I cannot help you solving this problem.

