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  • Need help for displaying bar labels for mean values using <cibar>

    Hi all,

    I am working on a replication assignment and I am using the ssc package cibar to to generate bar graphs with confidence intervals. I've read through the syntax but I've been unable to successfully generate the value of the mean.

    In graph bar, we use label(bar, ) but the blabel option isn't allowed on cibar.
    Would appreciate help to overcome this, thank you!

  • #2
    I haven't used cibar but it has a barlabel() option. I don't see any option to generate new variables which is what you seem to be asking at the outset.

    Community contributed graphics commands jump one of two ways, mostly. Either they are based on graph bar or graph dot -- or they are based on twoway. As its help explains, cibar is based on twoway

