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  • Marginal effects of Hurdle Models with endogenous variable


    I'm currently estimating a Hurdle model (with only one hurdle) and I'm having issues computing joint marginal effects for both equations.

    Here is the code i'm using to compute joint and independant marginal effect without IV:
    (I used smoke dataset as an example for reproductibility)

    ssc install twopm
    * Probit and its marginal effects
    probit cigs educ restaurn lincome lcigpric, robust
    margins, dydx(*)
    * Poisson and its marginal effects
    glm cigs educ restaurn lincome lcigpric if cigs>0, family(poisson) link(log) robust
    margins, dydx(*)
    * Joint marginal effects
    twopm cigs educ restaurn lincome lcigpric , firstpart(probit) secondpart(glm, family(poisson) link(log)) vce(robust)
    margins, dydx(*)

    Then I consider for this example "lcigpric" is endogenous and instrumented with "age" and "agesq"

    * IV Probit and its marginal effects
    ivprobit cigs educ restaurn lincome (lcigpric=age agesq), vce(robust)
    margins, dydx(*)
    * IV Poisson and its marginal effects
    ivpoisson gmm cigs educ restaurn lincome (lcigpric=age agesq) if cigs>0, vce(robust)
    margins, dydx(*)
    My issue is to find a way to compute joint marginal effect when one variable is endogenous.

    I've seen two post on the stata blog dealing with the computation of marginal effects for multiple equation models, however the first method require the use of maximum likelihood estimates (which is not the case with the IV estimates I'm using), or to use GSEM but it does not allow ivprobit or ivpoisson either and doesn't allow for simple hurdle (because the second equation does not have the same number of observations as the first one).

    Anyone know a method to overcome this issue please?

    Best regards,

  • #2
    To make things more simple, I first try to reproduce twopm average marginal effects (AMEs)
    I was able to reproduce AMEs for the probit and poisson with no issue but I'm struggling with twopm joint marginal effects.

    ***** To begin compute AMEs using twopm for the variable "educ" and save them in a new variable
    twopm cigs educ restaurn lincome lcigpric, firstpart(probit) secondpart(glm, family(poisson) link(log)) vce(robust)
    margins, dydx(educ) generate(twopm_m_educ)
    *****Then compute AMEs manually
    *Estimate and save probit coefficients
    probit cigs educ restaurn lincome lcigpric, robust
    predict xb_probit if e(sample), pr
    matrix beta_prob = e(b)
    *Estimate and save poisson coefficients
    glm cigs educ restaurn lincome lcigpric if cigs>0, family(poisson) link(log) robust
    predict xb_poisson, xb 
    matrix beta_pois = e(b)
    * Compute AMEs
    gen manual_m_educ = normalden(invnorm(xb_probit)) * beta_prob[rownumb(beta_prob,"y1"),colnumb(beta_prob,"cigs:educ")]*exp(xb_poisson) +
    normalden(xb_probit)*exp(xb_poisson) * beta_pois[rownumb(beta_pois,"y1"),colnumb(beta_pois,"cigs:educ")]
    ***** Compare results
    * Summarize
    summarize twopm_m_educ manual_m_educ 
    Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
    twopm_m_ed~1 807 -.252511 .0476096 -.3538936 -.1237544
    manual_m_e~c 807 -.2631823 .0515923 -.3472176 -.072222
    * Compute the absolute difference between twopm and manual methods, then summarize and sum them gen abs_dif = abs(twopm_m_educ - manual_m_educ) summarize abs_dif
    Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
    abs_dif 807 .0493039 .0319773 7.69e-06 .1782453
    display r(sum) 39.788252
    The difference between both results is quite huge, while for the probit and poisson cases I had the exact same values.
    Anyone has a idea of a mistake I could have made please?


    • #3
      Found my mistake, the right formula to compute joint margins is:
      gen margin_educ = normalden(invnorm(xb_probit))*beta_prob[rownumb(beta_prob,"y1"),colnumb(beta_prob,"cigs:educ")]*exp(xb_poisson) +
      Now I'll try to compute the variance using the delta method and I'll keep updating this post in case someone else need this in the future.


      • #4
        I'm having issues computing SEs using the delta method, so for now I've made a boostrap code to compute them instead.

        Because I was having convergence issues, I've added to the code some parts to remove replications where at least one of the two estimates did not converge.
        I've limited the maximum number of iterations to 100.

        capture program drop margins_iv
        program define margins_iv, rclass
        ivprobit cigs educ restaurn lincome (lcigpric=age agesq), vce(robust) iterate(100)
        predict xb_probit if e(sample), pr
        matrix beta_prob = e(b)
        scalar conv_probit = e(converged)
        ivpoisson gmm cigs educ restaurn lincome (lcigpric=age agesq) if cigs>0, vce(robust) iterate(100)
        predict xb_poisson, xb
        matrix beta_pois = e(b)
        scalar conv_poisson = e(converged)
        scalar conv_final = conv_poisson*conv_probit
        gen margin_educ = normalden(invnorm(xb_probit))*beta_prob[rownumb(beta_prob,"y1"),colnumb(beta_prob,"cigs:educ")]*exp(xb_poisson) + xb_probit*exp(xb_poisson)*beta_pois[rownumb(beta_pois,"y1"),colnumb(beta_pois,"cigs:educ")]
        summarize margin_educ
        return scalar margin_educ_manual = r(mean)
        gen margin_restaurn = normalden(invnorm(xb_probit))*beta_prob[rownumb(beta_prob,"y1"),colnumb(beta_prob,"cigs:restaurn")]*exp(xb_poisson) + xb_probit*exp(xb_poisson)*beta_pois[rownumb(beta_pois,"y1"),colnumb(beta_pois,"cigs:restaurn")]
        summarize margin_restaurn
        return scalar margin_restaurn_manual = r(mean)
        gen margin_lincome = normalden(invnorm(xb_probit))*beta_prob[rownumb(beta_prob,"y1"),colnumb(beta_prob,"cigs:lincome")]*exp(xb_poisson) + xb_probit*exp(xb_poisson)*beta_pois[rownumb(beta_pois,"y1"),colnumb(beta_pois,"cigs:lincome")]
        summarize margin_lincome
        return scalar margin_lincome_manual = r(mean)
        gen margin_lcigpric = normalden(invnorm(xb_probit))*beta_prob[rownumb(beta_prob,"y1"),colnumb(beta_prob,"cigs:lcigpric")]*exp(xb_poisson) + xb_probit*exp(xb_poisson)*beta_pois[rownumb(beta_pois,"y1"),colnumb(beta_pois,"cigs:lcigpric")]
        summarize margin_lcigpric
        return scalar margin_lcigpric_manual = r(mean)
        bootstrap margin_educ=r(margin_educ_manual) margin_restaurn=r(margin_restaurn_manual) margin_lincome=r(margin_lincome_manual) margin_lcigpric=r(margin_lcigpric_manual), reps(100) seed(123) reject(conv_final!=1) : margins_iv

