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  • Problem with SVY : poisson regression

    Hi all,

    I'm trying to estimate the effect of containement measures on COVID 19 number of cases evolution (in one city).
    The thing is i have only aggregated number of cases over 4 differents periods of time from march 11 to june 26
    I also have the number of tests performed, age categories and proportion of males
    As first 3 measures were implemented more than 3 weeks ago, im not sure how to define my var measure var. I tried differents forms (Time1=105 days from implementation to this day; Time2=95 days of implementation etc..) but none worked.

    I tried to define svyset with pweight, single unit (centered) and i plan to use poisson regression

    Does anyone have any suggestion for me please ?

    svy:poisson Logcase Tests SexR Time1 Time2 etc...
