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  • areg , robust >>> standard errors are clustered what?

    Hello could you please help for the following question?
    I am working for company level panel data but would like to test country level too.

    First, I set up the panel dataset as follows:

    xtset corporate_number year

    However, I would like to test the panel specification with country and year.
    Then, I use

    areg xxx xxx i.year, absorb (country_number) robust

    But in this case the standard error would be clustered by company or country?
    If you could please help me understand the above question, it would highly be appreciated.

  • #2
    areg will behave exactly as regress as it is not a panel estimator in the Stata sense (panel estimators have the -xt- prefix). Therefore, -robust- implements White standard errors. The following example uses esttab (Stata Journal) to collate results.

    webuse grunfeld, clear
    eststo: xtreg invest mvalue kstock, fe robust
    eststo: regress invest mvalue kstock, robust
    eststo: areg invest mvalue kstock,  a(company) robust
    esttab, drop(*.company _cons)

    esttab, drop(*.company _cons)
                          (1)             (2)             (3)  
                       invest          invest          invest  
    mvalue              0.110***        0.110***        0.110***
                       (7.25)          (5.68)          (5.68)  
    kstock              0.310***        0.310***        0.310***
                       (5.88)          (7.25)          (7.25)  
    N                     200             200             200  
    t statistics in parentheses
    * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001


    • #3
      You can only answer the clustering question by knowing whether the data are from a true cluster sampling scheme — which sounds unlikely in this case — or knowing the level of assignment of the key explanatory variables. Are those generated at the firm level or country level? If the latter, clustering at the country level is desirable. But don’t cluster at the country level unnecessarily.


      • #4
        I really appreciate you Andrew and Jeff. I understand your answers.

