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  • Counting Number of Observations by Date and Another Condition

    Hello everyone,

    I am wondering if anyone could help to create a command that automates counting the number of observations based on date. Basically, I would like the NewVar to be created based on the Cusip and Date, but the NewVar will be created by the number of same cusip up until a particular day and month of the same year, not past a day and month of the same year. Below, I have an example of how it should look like:
    ID Cusip Date NewVar
    1 100110 01jan2014 0
    2 100110 04apr2014 1
    3 100110 02may2014 2
    4 201212 21mar2015 0
    5 201212 03may2015 1
    6 201212 20aug2015 2
    7 201212 20aug2015 2
    As you see, for ID#2 row, the NewVar is a total of 1 (the date before its own date), while ID#3 accounts for obs of 2 in the NewVar (the two dates before its own date).

  • #2
    bys Cusip (Date): gen wanted=sum(date!=date[_n+1])-1


    • #3
      Andrew. This does not seem to be working.


      • #4
        The only thing I see that I did not take into account is the year. If the following does not work, please read FAQ Advice #12 and present a data example using dataex with examples of what you expect across multiple years for a given ID. Otherwise, stating that the code does not work is not very informative. The code assumes that your date variable contains SIF values (i.e., a date variable recognized by Stata). This can only be apparent if you present an example as outlined in the FAQs.

        gen Year = year(Date)
        bys Cusip Year (Date): gen wanted=sum(date!=date[_n+1])-1


        • #5
          Andrew. This is an example of what the second command is producing:
          ID Cusip Date Wanted
          1 100110 01jan2014 0
          2 100110 04apr2014 0
          3 100110 02may2014 0
          4 201212 21mar2015 0
          5 201212 03may2015 0
          6 201212 20aug2015 -1
          7 201212 20aug2015 -1


          • #6
            Re-read #4. Below, I recreate your example data in #5 and run the code. As you can see, I get different results which suggests that there is something in your data setup that is not right. I cannot advise on why you get a different result without seeing a sample of your data.

            * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
            input byte ID long Cusip float Date
            1 100110 19724
            2 100110 19817
            3 100110 19845
            4 201212 20168
            5 201212 20211
            6 201212 20320
            7 201212 20320
            format %td Date
            gen Year = year(Date)
            bys Cusip Year (Date): gen wanted=sum(Date!=Date[_n-1])-1

            . l, sepby(Cusip)
                 | ID    Cusip        Date   Year   wanted |
              1. |  1   100110   01jan2014   2014        0 |
              2. |  2   100110   04apr2014   2014        1 |
              3. |  3   100110   02may2014   2014        2 |
              4. |  4   201212   21mar2015   2015        0 |
              5. |  5   201212   03may2015   2015        1 |
              6. |  6   201212   20aug2015   2015        2 |
              7. |  7   201212   20aug2015   2015        2 |


            • #7
              Thank you. This is what I used and it worked: bys cusip year (date): gen wanted=sum( date!=year[_n-1])-1


              • #8
                I guess you used the code in #6 and the difference in #7 was a typo.


                • #9
                  Yes exactly.

