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  • Test total effect after regression with interaction term.

    Hello everyone,

    After a mixed-effect model with an interaction term, I am trying to use -test- to compare the total effect (_b[exposure]+_b[exposure#covar]) vs the interaction-free effect. Also, I would like test if both coefficients are different than 0. However, I'm unsure if the output is what I was looking for. I would appreciate some help. I use Stata 14.2

    More specifically, I have a biomarker measured at 3 age-points and exposure to NO2. I would like to determine with exposure to NO2 affects the biomarker level overall (repeated measure) and at the 3 age-points (not continuous). ID is the unique number for every individuals. The data is in long format
    .mixed biomarker c.NO2##i.age || ID: 
    (output omitted)
    .test _b[NO2] = _b[NO2] + _b[1.age#c.NO2] = _b[NO2] + _b[2.age#c.NO2] = 0   
     ( 1)  - [biomarker]1.age#c.NO2 = 0
     ( 2)  - [biomarker]2.age#c.NO2 = 0
     ( 3)  [biomarker]NO2 = 0
               chi2(  3) =   13.29
             Prob > chi2 =    0.0040
    Is this -test- indeed considering the total effect? I'm unsure if the output:
    " ( 1) - [biomarker]1.age#c.NO2 = 0"
    really means what I intended:
    "biomarker]NO2 + [biomarker]1.age#c.NO2 = 0"

    Am I not writing the -test- correctly?

  • #2
    Welcome to Stata list. You will increase your chances of useful answer by following the FAQ on asking questions – divide Stata code in code delimiters, readable Stata output, and sample data using dataex.

    Normally when we talk about total effects we are talking about mediation not interactions.

    _b[NO2] is the influence for age equals zero. _b[NO2] + _b[1.age#c.NO2] is the influence of N02 for age equals one._b[NO2] + _b[2.age#c.NO2] is the influence of N02 for age equals two.

    The coefficients on the interactions test whether the influence differs from the age=0 group.

    As I noted above, total effect is not really a meaningful concept far as I know in interaction terms.

