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  • Problem with putexcel

    Dear All,

    I have the following issue. I wrote my own programme and I included putexcel to export some results in Excel. The part of the programme referring to putexcel is:

    putexcel set mytable.xlsx, sheet(Sheet1) replace
    putexcel (A1:D1)=("The Title"), merge border(bottom, double, black) hcenter vcenter bold
    putexcel A2=("Var 1")
    putexcel B2=("Var 2")
    putexcel C2=("Var 3")
    putexcel D2=("Var 4")
    Apparently, when I run the programme I get the error message that the option merge is not allowed. If I remove it, Stata replies that the option border is not allowed and so on, until I am forced to remove all the options.

    On the other hand, if I use the same lines outside the programme, they worked perfectly and I can customize my table. Hence my question is: Does putexcel behave differently if included in a programme? (If so, actually this would be quite strange in my view, but I do not have any other explanations).



  • #2
    Having -putexcel- in program does not seem to a problem.
    . capture program drop foo
    . program foo
      1.         putexcel set mytable.xlsx, sheet(Sheet1) replace
      2.         putexcel (A1:D1)=("The Title"), merge border(bottom, double, black) hcenter vcenter bold
      3. end
    . foo
    Note: file will be replaced when the first putexcel command is issued
    file mytable.xlsx saved
    Perhaps showing the simplest version of the program you are writing that will generate the error.


    • #3
      Scott Merryman Thanks for your reply. This is a simplified version of my program:

      capture program drop pairs
      program define pairs, rclass
      version 9
      syntax varlist(min=2 max=100000 numeric) [if] [, SIg(numlist min=1 max=1)]
         putexcel set pairs.xlsx, sheet(Sheet1) replace
         putexcel (A1:D1)=("Prova"), border(bottom, double, black) merge hcenter vcenter bold 
         putexcel A2=("Stock 1"), hcenter border(bottom, black)  
         putexcel B2=("Causality"), hcenter border(bottom, black)
         putexcel C2=("Stock 2"), hcenter border(bottom, black)
         putexcel D2=("Result"), hcenter border(bottom, black)
         local result "Pair"
         local noresult "Not a pair"
         local rcausality "-->"
         local lcausality "<--"
         local dcausality "<-->"
         local nocausality "No causality"
         local k: word count `varlist'
         local km1 = `k' - 1  
         local m 2 
      forval i = 1/`km1' {
         disp "i: `i'"
         local ip1 = `i' + 1   
         forval j = `ip1'/`k' {
         local ++m
         disp "j: `j'"
            local v1: word `i' of `varlist'
            local v2: word `j' of `varlist'
            di as result _newline "working with `v1' and `v2'"  
         reg L(0/2).`v1' L(1/2).`v2' `if' 
            testparm L(1/2).`v2'
            local p1=r(p)
         reg L(0/2).`v2' L(1/2).`v1' `if'
            testparm L(1/2).`v1'
            local p2=r(p)
         if `p1'<0.10 & `p2'>=0.10 {
          reg `v1' `v2'
          tempvar res_`v1'_`v2'
          predict `res_`v1'_`v2'' `if', res
          dfuller `res_`v1'_`v2'' `if', nocon
          local dfstat=r(Zt)
          local cv1=r(cv1)
          local cv5=r(cv5)
          local cv10=r(cv10)
          if `dfstat'<`cv10' {
          di as result _newline "`v1' and `v2' are cointegrated and can be treated as a pair"
          putexcel A`m'=("`v1'") 
          putexcel C`m'=("`v2'") 
          putexcel D`m'=("`result'")
          putexcel B`m'=("`rcausality'")
         else if `dfstat'>=`cv10' {
          di as result _newline "`v1' and `v2' are not cointegrated and cannot be treated as a pair"
          putexcel A`m'=("`v1'") 
          putexcel C`m'=("`v2'")
          putexcel D`m'=("`noresult'")
          putexcel B`m'=("`rcausality'")
         else if `p1'>=0.10 & `p2'>=0.10 {
          di as result _newline "`v1' and `v2' are not a pair"  
          putexcel A`m'=("`v1'") 
          putexcel C`m'=("`v2'") 
          putexcel D`m'=("`noresult'")
          putexcel B`m'=("`nocausality'")    
      I tried once again but still I get the error message that merge is not allowed.

      Thanks again for your help.
      Last edited by Dario Maimone Ansaldo Patti; 16 Mar 2020, 18:25.


      • #4
        Well, there's your problem.
        version 9
        The putexcel command fails with version control set to version 14 or earlier. Is there a need for you to have version control set to version 9? I suspect that other commands you show may not work with that old of a version. Why do you not set the version to the version of Stata you are developing the program with?


        • #5
          William Lisowski Thanks William. Actually, I do not need version 9. I currently use Stata 15.1, but I am going to share this program with some friends that use Stata v. 14. If putexcel does not work with Stata 14, then I should think about something else.


          • #6
            I believe -putexcel- was introduced in Stata 13.


            • #7
              When in post #4 I wrote "The putexcel command fails ..." I was referring specifically to the putexcel command in post #1 on which the merge option appeared and which fails. That option was apparently new in Stata 15.


              • #8
                Scott Merryman and William Lisowski thanks for your help.

