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  • [BAYES] bayesmh Example 25: word of caution / mixed logistic

    So I am working my way through [BAYES] bayesmh examples, and here we go with the mixed effects (random intercept) logistic regression:

    webuse bangladesh, clear
    set seed 14
    bayesmh c_use urban age child*, likelihood(logit) reffects(district) prior({c_use:i.district}, normal(0,{district:var})) prior({c_use:urban age child* _cons}, normal(0, 100)) prior({district:var}, igamma(0.01,0.01)) block({district:var}, gibbs) dots mcmcsize(2000)
    Well that blew spectacularly, with the mean efficiency of 0.017. Turns out the version of the data set that is currently available on Stata website has an additional variable children that is a linear combination of child1, child2 and child3:

    assert children == child1 + 2*child2 + 3*child3
    When you run
    on these data, it of course drops that variable. So the combination of the code in the manual and the data actually available does not deliver the expected result.

    But that's OK, we can use a different wildcard, and let us also try several chains so as to get the Gelman-Rubin Rhat statistics:

    set seed 255
    bayesmh c_use urban age child?, likelihood(logit) reffects(district) prior({c_use:i.district}, normal(0,{district:var})) prior({c_use:urban age child? _cons}, normal(0, 100)) prior({district:var}, igamma(0.01,0.01)) block({district:var}, gibbs) dots mcmcsize(2000) nchains(5) burnin(5000)
    (output omitted)
                                                  Avg efficiency: min =    .008525
                                                                  avg =     .04285
                                                                  max =      .2125
    Avg log marginal-likelihood = -1351.5279      Max Gelman-Rubin Rc =       48.4
    (output omitted)
    district     |
             var |  144.8097   303.6842   6.58754   6.613569   .1411951   830.7021
    Wait what? Rc of 48??? How is that even technically possible?

    Well, let's look at bayesgraph diagnostics {district:var}, sepchains of that parameter -- chain 3 did not converge, producing values between 5 and 10; chain 4 is even worse with apparently stable values between 20 and 80; and chain 5 hitting it way out of the field with values between 400 and 1000. If anything, chains 4 and 5 may look to have the best convergence, with autocorrelations lower than 0.2 in absolute value. Except they produce nonsensical values: this is logistic regression, so a coefficient or a random effect of 10 translates to probability of exp(-10) = .0000454 or 1 - exp(-10) = .9999546. The likelihood is essentially flat in that area (because all predicted probabilities are either 0 or 1), the chain learns nothing, and the posterior is probably the same as the prior.

    A way to kick in sense to this model is to specify moderately informative priors. We should not expect regression coefficients to be much greater than 1, nor random effects have variance greater than 1, so this should work:

    set seed 255
    bayesmh c_use urban age child?, likelihood(logit) reffects(district) prior({c_use:i.district}, normal(0,{district:var})) prior({c_use:urban age child? _cons}, normal(0, 5)) prior({district:var}, igamma(0.25,0.125)) block({district:var}, gibbs) dots mcmcsize(2000) nchains(5) burnin(5000)
    And it does.

    HTH the Bayesian modelers out there.
    -- Stas Kolenikov ||
    -- Principal Survey Scientist, Abt SRBI
    -- Opinions stated in this post are mine only

  • #2
    A recent change to the bangladesh dataset available on the web includes an extra variable, children. At the time of posting the new dataset the mixed-logit example in bayesmh was not updated. We will do so in the next documentation update.

    The new specification should be
    bayesmh c_use urban age i.children, likelihood(logit) reffects(district)    ///
        prior({c_use:i.district}, normal(0,{district:var}))                    ///
        prior({c_use:urban age i.children _cons}, normal(0, 100))              ///
        prior({district:var}, igamma(0.01,0.01))                               ///
        block({district:var}, gibbs) dots
    Thank you for pointing this out,


    • #3
      -- Stas Kolenikov ||
      -- Principal Survey Scientist, Abt SRBI
      -- Opinions stated in this post are mine only

