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  • A trick to avoid variables starting with a number!

    Dear Stata Experts,

    I have a problem with importing data from Excel.

    A bunch of variables I have are refer to virus genotypes, so they were entered as numbers. When I choose the option “firstrow”, because Stata does not accept variables starting with a number, it resorts to changing names of variables to the column they correspond to on the spreadsheet. For example, if the column G on Excel has a variable called 157, Stata would import it as variable “G” with a label of “157.”

    Changing that for a variable or two is not a problem, but when you have to do it for hundreds of columns it becomes tedious. What I want to do is somehow import these columns and add a letter or two before them. In other words, import variable 157 as b_157 to get around the no-number-policy Stata has!

    Any help is much appreciated!

  • #2
    Could you change it in the spreadsheet itself? Insert a row on top, create a formula that takes the value of the cell below and adds a letter before, copy that formula to other cells across the row, and then delete the original row?
    Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
    Stata Version: 17.0 MP (2 processor)

    EMAIL: [email protected]


    • #3
      I think it would be easier to address this within Stata. Import without including the -firstrow- option of import excel and then follow the procedure in


      • #4
        Here is a short code that renames variables if their label is a number.

        // get variables with labels that are numbers
        foreach v of varlist * {
            local varlabel : variable label `v'
            capture confirm number `varlabel'
            if ( !_rc ) local oldnames `oldnames' `v'
        // rename those variables
        rename (`oldnames') (b_=)


        • #5
          Thank you all for your responses. I could not do it with any of the methods you suggested, so I resorted to importing data to R then exported to Stata. Not the most elegant way, but it worked!

          Thanks again,


          • #6
            Daniel Klein's method looks fine to me. In what sense did it not work for you?


            • #7
              Thanks Nick! Not sure why it did not work with Daniel's code. But I finally found out how to do it in Stata:


              foreach v of varlist G-AZ {
              local varlabel : variable label `v'
              label variable `v' "b_`varlabel'"

              local x: variable label `v'
              rename `v' `x'

              foreach v of varlist b_* {

              local varlabel: variable label `v'
              label var `v' ""


              • #8
                The code in #7 could be simplified to the point of

                rename (G-AZ) (b_=)
                concerning variable names. The code will fail if variable labels are not valid names or are longer than 30 characters. Concerning variable labels, I never really got the point of using variables names as their labels; some people seem to want that, though.

