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  • import excel

    I want to import a data from an excel sheet and I want all the variables to be in the format as doubles I wonder if this is possible to do using the command import excel. I know this is possible with the command import delimited however the excel sheet I am working with has multiple sheets and the command import delimited doesn't have a sheet() option.

  • #2
    For columns stored as floating-point numeric data in an Excel workbook, I believe that the default datatype for -import excel- is double. If you want to convert numeric data that are integers in the worksheet, then you can do so afterward using -recast-.

    sysuse auto, clear
    ds , has(type float)
    export excel using Dummy.xlsx, sheet(Auto) firstrow(variables)
    drop _all
    import excel using Dummy.xlsx, sheet(Auto) firstrow
    ds , has(type float)
    ds , has(type double)
    // Here:
    ds , has(type byte int)
    recast double `r(varlist)'
    ds , has(type double)
    erase Dummy.xlsx

