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  • How do I calculate marginal effects for an interaction term in an ordinal logistic regression?

    I am trying to use mchange within Long and Freese's spost13 package (-findit spost13_ado-) in Stata 15.1.

    Here is my code:

    mlogit PaidUnpaidSelf12Cats2 c.WantToBePrimaryEarner#Male

    The output from mlogit contains the interaction term:

    . mlogit PaidUnpaidSelf12Cats2 c.WantToBePrimaryEarner#Male, base(1)
    Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -76.896294  
    Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -71.073489  
    Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -70.583766  
    Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -70.579145  
    Iteration 4:   log likelihood = -70.579144  
    Multinomial logistic regression                 Number of obs     =         82
                                                    LR chi2(4)        =      12.63
                                                    Prob > chi2       =     0.0132
    Log likelihood = -70.579144                     Pseudo R2         =     0.0822
           PaidUnpaidSelf12Cats2 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
    Long                         |  (base outcome)
    SensitiveToPay               |
    Male#c.WantToBePrimaryEarner |
                              0  |   .2905134   .1891178     1.54   0.1245    -.0801506    .6611774
                              1  |   .3010523   .1433273     2.10   0.0357     .0201359    .5819687
                           _cons |  -.6760504   .7109363    -0.95   0.3416     -2.06946    .7173592
    Short                        |
    Male#c.WantToBePrimaryEarner |
                              0  |   .4704996   .3818554     1.23   0.2179    -.2779232    1.218922
                              1  |    .697739   .2824248     2.47   0.0135     .1441966    1.251281
                           _cons |  -4.124606   1.682924    -2.45   0.0143    -7.423075   -.8261363
    But the output from the mchange command does not:

    . mchange
    mlogit: Changes in Pr(y) | Number of obs = 82
    Expression: Pr(PaidUnpaidSelf12Cats2), predict(outcome())
                 |      Long  Sensiti~y      Short 
    Male         |                                 
          1 vs 0 |    -0.034     -0.066      0.100 
         p-value |     0.745      0.561      0.134 
    WantToBePr~r |                                 
              +1 |    -0.062      0.016      0.046 
         p-value |     0.012      0.661      0.135 
             +SD |    -0.108      0.017      0.092 
         p-value |     0.008      0.810      0.155 
        Marginal |    -0.066      0.024      0.042 
         p-value |     0.017      0.488      0.101
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

  • #2
    I am not familiar with the -mchange- command, so I can't make a specific comment about this. However, I infer from the title of your post and the general content that you are trying to calculate marginal effects after fitting a model containing an interaction term and you are puzzled that you are not getting output for the marginal effect of the interaction term.

    That is because there is no such thing as the marginal effect of an interaction term. Marginal effects are definable only for main effects in the model.

    To see why, consider the definition of a marginal effect of a predictor. It is the expected change in the outcome variable per unit change in the predictor, all else held constant. But it is in principle impossible for an interaction to change while its constituent ("main") effects are held constant. If you try to get around this by saying, OK, we'll let the constituents change in such a way that they result in a unit change in the interaction term, you run into the problem that there are many different combinations of changes in the constituent effects that will together produce a unit change in the interaction term, but those result in different changes in the outcome. So there is no coherent way to define a marginal effect for an interaction term.


    • #3
      Ah, yes. Thank you. I wasn't seeing the forest for the trees.

