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  • Dynamic panel quantile regression with fixed effects

    Hi all,

    I am studying the impact of quality of institutions on carbon emissions. I would like to know the level of carbon emissions at different levels of carbon emissions conditional on entire distribution. For this, the best choice of the model would be dynamic panel quantile regression with fixed effects.

    My dataset runs for 34 years from 1984 to 2016 for 130 countries.

    I read this thread and found out that the most appropriate methodology would be the one introduced by Dr. Antonio Galvao. (Link to the paper). D773E4BA81024B50EA05316BA134B1999416B9EE31D7E1ABC0 C8578DE107E33A934526

    I want to know if
    is the right command for this?

    If no, then which is the right command for methodology proposed by the paper mentioned above.



  • #2
    Dear Ritika Khurana,

    No, that is not the code for it; I do not think the Galvão estimator is implemented in Stata, but I may be wrong.

    Best wishes,



    • #3
      Dr. Joao Santos Silva,

      Thank you for your reply.

      My question now pertains to
      . How do we decide we need MCMC optimization or Nelder-Mead optimization for estimating vector b.
      For more clarity, the variables are as follows:
      dlrgdp = Log of real per capita GDP, dlrgdp2 = squared dlrgdp, dfrleg = institutional integrity, dfrleg2 = squared dfrleg, dlpopden = log of population density, dlenguse = log of energy use, and GDP, dlpccarb = log of per capita carbon emissions

      'd' in front of every variable is to show first-difference as T=30.

       qregpd dlpccarb dlrgdp dlrgdp2 dlenguse dlpopden dfrleg dfrleg2 , quantile(0.25) id(cty) fix(year) optimize(mcmc) noisy draws(1000) burn(100) arate(.5)
      Adaptive MCMC optimization
      Quantile Regression for Panel Data (QRPD)
           Number of obs:              3231
           Number of groups:            120
           Min obs per group:             3
           Max obs per group:            30
          dlpccarb |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
            dlrgdp |   .7053674    .017316    40.73   0.000     .6714286    .7393062
           dlrgdp2 |  -.0251297   .0010471   -24.00   0.000     -.027182   -.0230774
          dlenguse |   .8264385   .0027036   305.68   0.000     .8211395    .8317375
          dlpopden |  -.3522818   .0054659   -64.45   0.000    -.3629948   -.3415688
            dfrleg |  -.5466352   .0039406  -138.72   0.000    -.5543586   -.5389118
           dfrleg2 |   .3849055   .0050248    76.60   0.000      .375057     .394754
      No excluded instruments - standard QRPD estimation.
      MCMC diagonstics:
           Mean acceptance rate:      0.304
           Total draws:                1000
           Burn-in draws:               100
           Draws retained:              900
           Value of objective function:   
                   Mean:             -77.0044
                   Min:              -82.6782
                   Max:              -74.2085
      MCMC notes:
           *Point estimates correspond to mean of draws.
           *Standard errors are derived from variance of draws.
      . qregpd dlpccarb dlrgdp dlrgdp2 dlenguse dlpopden dfrleg dfrleg2 , quantile(0.25) id(cty) fix(year)
      Nelder-Mead optimization
      Quantile Regression for Panel Data (QRPD)
           Number of obs:              3231
           Number of groups:            120
           Min obs per group:             3
           Max obs per group:            30
          dlpccarb |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
            dlrgdp |   .8300392   .5573196     1.49   0.136    -.2622871    1.922365
           dlrgdp2 |  -.0337071   .0289122    -1.17   0.244     -.090374    .0229598
          dlenguse |   .8550453   .0732594    11.67   0.000     .7114594    .9986311
          dlpopden |   .2359039    .125433     1.88   0.060    -.0099403    .4817481
            dfrleg |  -.6102081   .2429038    -2.51   0.012    -1.086291   -.1341254
           dfrleg2 |   .4625645    .204273     2.26   0.024     .0621968    .8629321
      No excluded instruments - standard QRPD estimation.
      Looking forward to hearing from you.




      • #4
        Sorry, I am not the author of this command I cannot comment on it; maybe Matthew J. Baker can help. In any case, please note that qregpd does not estimate a model with fixed effects.


        • #5
          Dr. Joao Santos Silva thank you so much for your reply.

          Dr. Matthew J. Baker it will be of great help if you could help me with the difference between the two.

          Thank you.


