I wanted to run a panel logistic regression with dependent variable Y (0, 1) and an explanatory variable X with other control variables.
Where, X is the index variable scaled between 0 and 1 and it is highly left-skewed (most of the observations near to 1, see the Histogram below).
Is it fine if I include the original X variable in the regression without transformation? or Do I need to use any other regression model (ordered logit or probit)?
Thanks for your consideration.
I wanted to run a panel logistic regression with dependent variable Y (0, 1) and an explanatory variable X with other control variables.
Where, X is the index variable scaled between 0 and 1 and it is highly left-skewed (most of the observations near to 1, see the Histogram below).
Is it fine if I include the original X variable in the regression without transformation? or Do I need to use any other regression model (ordered logit or probit)?
Thanks for your consideration.