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  • format numbers

    hi there: I have a variable x that is float %9.0g and is displayed like 6059.935... I want it to appear as 6.095 (period for thousand separator and no decimals).. I tried format pkmensual %12,2gc and managed to get rid of the decimals but the number is now displayed as 6,095 (with a comma instead of a period).. Do anyone know how to sort this out? Thank you very much, Juan

  • #2
    I think you need to divide by 1000 first to get 6059... to look like 6.059... or 6095 to look like 6.095...


    • #3
      hahaha, I just realised how stupid my question was. I guess Nick this was the more sophisticated question you have ever seen in this forum. I don't have to add that your tip worked well. Thank you very much.


      • #4
        I make very silly Stata errors. You just can't see them from where you are.

