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  • Repeated Measures ANOVA

    Hi, I would like to know how to do the repeated measures ANOVA analysis with the following data - I did a longitudinal experiment on several students. I first divided them into two groups - one is the treatment group (treatment = 1), the other is the control group (treatment = 0). Then I collected their writing scores in 4 waves (meaning, I measured their writing scores four times in the longitudinal experiment which lasted around 1 week).

    I want to know if the treatment influences their scores. But I don't know how to do the repeated measures ANOVA analysis in stata? Can anyone help me out?

    input student treatment wave score
    1 0 1 12
    1 0 2 4
    1 0 3 1
    1 0 4 6
    2 0 1 7
    2 0 2 1
    2 0 3 6
    2 0 4 12
    3 0 1 6
    3 0 2 12
    3 0 3 4
    3 0 4 2
    4 0 1 2
    4 0 2 8
    4 0 3 0
    4 0 4 4
    5 0 1 0
    5 0 2 6
    5 0 3 0
    5 0 4 4
    6 0 1 3
    6 0 2 4
    6 0 3 4
    6 0 4 2
    7 0 1 3
    7 0 2 4
    7 0 3 0
    7 0 4 3
    8 0 1 4
    8 0 2 4
    8 0 3 2
    8 0 4 4
    9 0 1 6
    9 0 2 3
    9 0 3 3
    9 0 4 2
    10 0 1 3
    10 0 2 3
    10 0 3 4
    10 0 4 4
    11 0 1 1
    11 0 2 4
    11 0 3 0
    11 0 4 4
    12 1 1 2
    12 1 2 9
    12 1 3 0
    12 1 4 7
    13 1 1 4
    13 1 2 0
    13 1 3 4
    13 1 4 9
    14 1 1 0
    14 1 2 7
    14 1 3 0
    14 1 4 9
    15 1 1 8
    15 1 2 6
    15 1 3 3
    15 1 4 9
    16 1 1 9
    16 1 2 0
    16 1 3 0
    16 1 4 0
    17 1 1 0
    17 1 2 1
    17 1 3 4
    17 1 4 0
    18 1 1 0
    18 1 2 8
    18 1 3 9
    18 1 4 9
    19 1 1 9
    19 1 2 0
    19 1 3 2
    19 1 4 0
    20 1 1 7
    20 1 2 0
    20 1 3 7
    20 1 4 7
    21 1 1 9
    21 1 2 0
    21 1 3 0
    21 1 4 1
    22 1 1 4
    22 1 2 1
    22 1 3 7
    22 1 4 10
    23 1 1 2
    23 1 2 1
    23 1 3 2
    23 1 4 4
    24 1 1 1
    24 1 2 3
    24 1 3 3
    24 1 4 9

  • #2
    you can give -xtreg- a go:
    . xtset student wave
           panel variable:  student (strongly balanced)
            time variable:  wave, 1 to 4
                    delta:  1 unit
    . xtreg score i.treatment i.wave, fe
    note: 1.treatment omitted because of collinearity
    Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =         96
    Group variable: student                         Number of groups  =         24
    R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
         within  = 0.0838                                         min =          4
         between = 0.0000                                         avg =        4.0
         overall = 0.0658                                         max =          4
                                                    F(3,69)           =       2.10
    corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.0000                        Prob > F          =     0.1077
           score |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
     1.treatment |          0  (omitted)
            wave |
              2  |  -.5416667   .9553027    -0.57   0.573    -2.447443     1.36411
              3  |  -1.541667   .9553027    -1.61   0.111    -3.447443      .36411
              4  |   .7916667   .9553027     0.83   0.410     -1.11411    2.697443
           _cons |       4.25    .675501     6.29   0.000     2.902412    5.597588
         sigma_u |  1.5664262
         sigma_e |  3.3092655
             rho |  .18304395   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
    F test that all u_i=0: F(23, 69) = 0.90                      Prob > F = 0.6025
    . xtreg score i.treatment i.wave, re
    Random-effects GLS regression                   Number of obs     =         96
    Group variable: student                         Number of groups  =         24
    R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
         within  = 0.0838                                         min =          4
         between = 0.0006                                         avg =        4.0
         overall = 0.0659                                         max =          4
                                                    Wald chi2(4)      =       6.42
    corr(u_i, X)   = 0 (assumed)                    Prob > chi2       =     0.1698
           score |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
     1.treatment |   .0751748   .6726275     0.11   0.911    -1.243151      1.3935
            wave |
              2  |  -.5416667   .9479302    -0.57   0.568    -2.399576    1.316242
              3  |  -1.541667   .9479302    -1.63   0.104    -3.399576    .3162424
              4  |   .7916667   .9479302     0.84   0.404    -1.066242    2.649576
           _cons |    4.20928   .7629085     5.52   0.000     2.714007    5.704554
         sigma_u |          0
         sigma_e |  3.3092655
             rho |          0   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
    . xttest0
    Breusch and Pagan Lagrangian multiplier test for random effects
            score[student,t] = Xb + u[student] + e[student,t]
            Estimated results:
                             |       Var     sd = sqrt(Var)
                       score |   11.05779       3.325325
                           e |   10.95124       3.309265
                           u |          0              0
            Test:   Var(u) = 0
                                 chibar2(01) =     0.00
                              Prob > chibar2 =   1.0000
    Unfortunately, due to the absence of evidence of panel-wise effect, both -fe- and -re- specification points you to a pooled OLS:
    . regress score i.treatment i.wave, vce(cluster student)
    Linear regression                               Number of obs     =         96
                                                    F(4, 23)          =       3.28
                                                    Prob > F          =     0.0287
                                                    R-squared         =     0.0659
                                                    Root MSE          =     3.2837
                                   (Std. Err. adjusted for 24 clusters in student)
                 |               Robust
           score |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
     1.treatment |   .0751748   .6485081     0.12   0.909    -1.266366    1.416716
            wave |
              2  |  -.5416667   1.158745    -0.47   0.645    -2.938714    1.855381
              3  |  -1.541667   .9204292    -1.67   0.107    -3.445719    .3623862
              4  |   .7916667   1.110405     0.71   0.483    -1.505382    3.088715
           _cons |    4.20928   .9186782     4.58   0.000      2.30885    6.109711
    In conclusion, according to the sample you (laudably) provided there's no evidence of treatment effect or panel-wise effect
    Kind regards,
    (Stata 18.0 SE)


    • #3
      Originally posted by Victor Smith View Post
      But I don't know how to do the repeated measures ANOVA analysis in stata? Can anyone help me out?
      In addition to Carlo's approach with -xtreg-, you can use Stata's -anova- command and fit the repeated-measures ANOVA model in a single command.
      anova score treatment / student|treatment wave treatment#wave, repeated(wave)
      You can also fit the model using -mixed-.
      mixed score i.treatment##i.wave || student: , reml dfmethod(satterthwaite) nolog
      contrast treatment wave treatment#wave, small
      The likelihood-ratio test result there comes to the same conclusion that Carlo's analysis does.

      Because you have more than two waves, you might want to allow for a more flexible residual covariance structure, such as you would get with MANOVA, which you can fit also with -mixed-.
      mixed score i.treatment##i.wave || student: , reml dfmethod(satterthwaite) ///
          noconstant residuals(unstructured, t(wave)) nolrtest nolog
      contrast treatment wave treatment#wave, small
      Exploration of the residual covariance matrix would itself seem to be substantively interesting in this regard. You will also notice that now there is a statistically significant main effect of time (wave).
      Last edited by Joseph Coveney; 03 Dec 2019, 16:05.


      • #4
        Thanks Carlo and Joseph!

