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  • Coefplot by year

    Dear Stata users,
    I am estimating the following regressions:
    reg wage age agesq i.educ if year==2000
    est sto m1
    reg wage age agesq i.educ if year==2001
    est sto m2
    reg wage age agesq i.educ if year==2002
    est sto m3
    I want to create a graph that shows the evolution of the standard deviation of wages, meaning I want the year in the x axis and the standard deviation of wage in the y axis. Could anyone explain me how I can do this? It seems that I need to use the command coefplot, but I do not know how to continue. Is it also possible to use instead of the "standard deviation of wage" the "standard deviation of wage residuals"?

  • #2
    Dear Rui,

    Extensive documentation can be found here and here, a working paper here, a TSJ paper here, a workshop presentation here (but not answering your question), a nice blog about CI's here, and Ben Jann's (the coefplot author) German presentation here.
    But the first step, of course, is to install coefplot and consult the helpfile:
    ssc install coefplot
    adoupdate coefplot
    h coefplot


    • #3
      Thank you, Eric Melse for your help.
      I tried to improve my code looking to the documentation:
      forv i=2000/2003 {
      quietly reg lghwage age agesq if year==`i'
      est sto `i'
      coefplot 2000 || 2001 || 2002 || 2003, drop(age agesq) bycoefs byopts(yrescale) vertical

      But I receive the message 2000 invalid name r(7).
      I also was not able to understand how can I create a continuous line.

