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  • For excel outputs related to pwcorr command.

    Dear all
    I have done a correlation analysis based on "pwcorr" command for my panel data. I used the following command

    pwcorr var1 var2 var3..........var10 ,sig star(.05) obs
    I need an excel output(.csv) for the above result. I couldnt find any commands that could help me in this regard. Hence I did "correlate" command

    estpost correlate var1 var2 var3..........var10,matrix listwise
    est store c1
    esttab * using corr.csv, unstack not noobs compress
    But it seems that "pwcorr" and "correlate" command, in this case, gives different results. Is this different a serious issue. I am using Stata 13.1 Version

  • #2
    If you omit the listwise option from estpost correlate you will, I believe, get the same results as from pwcorr.

    For instruction on the difference between pwcorr and correlate, I suggest you click on the link in the second line of the output of help correlate which will open the PDF documentation for the two commands, and then read the description of pwcorr and example 4.


    • #3
      Thanks very much William


      • #4
        This will write to Word doc that is perfect and can be copied into Excel with minimal reformatting. //the holy grail of correlation outputs - to word document
        //in this case nonum creates headers with names of variables
        ssc install asdoc
        asdoc pwcorr variables, star(.05) nonum replace


        • #5
          Oh Great
          thank you so much

