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  • Repeated measures from survey-based scenarios

    Hi everyone,

    This is my first post, so I hope I am asking the question correctly and this hasn't been addressed elsewhere on the forum :-)

    My dataset (in wide format) comes from a survey of 500 people where participants were asked scenario-based questions and had to give binary answers. For example:

    Q1(baseline): "If you share you earn $100, if you do not share you earn 50$. Do you share (1) or not share (0)?"
    Q2 (incentive treatment): "If you share you earn $200, if you do not share you earn $50. Do you share (1) or not share (0)?"
    Q3 (social norms treatment): "If you share you earn $200, if you do not share you earn $50. Most people in your situation would share. Do you share (1) or not share (0)?"

    My outcome of interest is the proportion of people who share. Using Q1 as a baseline, I'd like to know whether my incentive or social norms treatment increase sharing, and which one has a stronger effect.

    Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,


  • #2
    Welcome. You may want to look at the FAQ on asking questions.

    Logit or probit would be appropriate for this kind of question.

