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  • Predicting factorscores after conducting a CFA based on summary statistics

    I have a dataset consisting of 11 items of binary data (0/1) that will be the basis for my dependent variable. There are 240 observations collected by means of a survey. Since the data is binary, the CFA is run based on summary statistics (SSD) and using polychoric correlations. See code below (as also previously supplied in this forum):
    local thevars ..."list of variables goes here"...
    polychoric `thevars'
    mat polychR = r(R)
    forvalues i=1/`: word count `thevars' ' {
    forvalues j=1/`i' {
    local setcor `setcor' `=polychR[`i',`j']'
    if `i' < `: word count `thevars' ' local setcor `setcor' \
    local N = _N
    ssd init `thevars'
    ssd set obs `N'
    ssd set cor `setcor'
    ..."sem or factormat with options start here..."

    This code has provided me with a good model, the problems I have is with figuring out how to be able to predict factor-scores for my observations. As the Stata-memory only holds summary statistics after the sem-command, I can not run “predict” as I could have if based on the raw data. How should I proceed in order to predict factor-scores for my observations?

  • #2
    Any reason you're not using -gsem- and fitting the model to the original data? Afterward, you can get the factor scores directly.


    • #3
      Thank you for the input Joseph! I have not used -gsem- before so I have to read up on it. Seems promising though.

