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  • Computing average for one state and several other states together


    I am new on Stata and on this forum, I hope somebody can help me. My problem is quite straightforward. I have a dataset that contain aggregated observations of cancer occurrences for each US state for the period 1970-2000. What I would like is to have the mean of cancer occurrences for California on one side, and the mean of cancer occurrences for all the other states together on the other side, for the period 1970-1988. Hence, the results I would like to obtain should fit in a two columns table: Mean for California and for the remaining states together. I hope my question is clear.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    You need to create an indicator variable for being California or not, after which you can proceed. Although you describe your problem as straightforward, I have no idea what "mean of cancer occurrences" is here (or indeed anywhere). I trust this is obvious but I would expect some scaling by population at risk.

    If this doesn't answer the question, you may need to read and act on FAQ Advice #12 and give a data example,

