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  • Multilevel Model Diagnostics

    Dear all,

    I would appreciate some guidance on what main diagnostic tests can be performed on mtmixed multilevel models in Stata, as I am new to using this software. I have run the model further below, which includes random slopes and cross-level interaction effects. I am now looking into testing whether the main MLM assumptions are violated (normality of errors/ random effects assumptions, linearity, homogenous variance (although I have already used vce(robust)).
    I would appreciate some help on the ways I should be looking at testing the assumptions and the main Stata commands procedures to perform them (e.g. how to obtain residuals at each level and how to best use them for diagnostics).

    mixed Preferredhours wagegroup wagesqgroup Age Agesq Female Educ c.Female#c.Educ Illness PoorMentalWB PartnerWorks c.PartnerWorks#c.Female Children c.Female#c.Children Dependents HHfinancial AppPay ContractType JobInsecurity EmplOpp PrivateSect ProductivityPaym OvertimePay Supervision PFJobDesign ShiftW Flexitime TeleWork CommTime SocialProt MarketWage HusbandWifeContribute NatPartTime AvgTeleWork GDP WorkEthic c.Female#c.MarketWage c.Female#c.HusbandWifeContribute c.PartnerWorks#c.GDP c.PrivateSect#c.NatPartTime c.TeleWork#c.AvgTelework || Country: || Country: Female PartnerWorks PrivateSect TeleWork, vce(robust)

    Thanks in advance
    Keith Tanti

  • #2
    I recommend to type - help mixed postestimation - and check the example 1. There you'll find the BLUPS, for example.
    Best regards,



    • #3
      Thanks Marcos

