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  • Help with multilevel cox regression

    Hello everyone,

    I'm trying to evaluate the association between outcome CVD and exposure saturated fat intake. The data is multilevel (households were selected) so I used the -mestreg- command for the multilevel cox regression, specifying the outcome with -stset-. I used the following command:

    mestreg exposure1 confounders || household:, distribution(weibull)

    However, I have simply assumed that the data follows a weibull distribution (as it is survival data). I would like to test whether this is true. I've read somewhere that you can use the -wbull- command, but am unsure how to run and interpret it. Should I run it on only the households (so 1 person per household) or should I run it on all individuals?

    I have tried running it on the individuals in the sample and got this result:

    . wbull id

    Fitting Weibull distribution to id

    b 6305.46272
    c 1.62174

    (id is simply the unique person id, so every person in the dataset has one).

    Is the -wbull- command the correct command to test the weibull distribution? Is there another way to test that the data fits the weibull distribution?

    Thank you in advance,

    Elvire Landstra

  • #2
    If I understood right - wbull - is a user-written program whose author is Nick Cox.

    By read the abstract of the program, we have this:

    wbull fits a Weibull distribution to a single variable by the
    method of maximum likelihood. Frequency weights may be used to
    fit variables given in frequency distribution form. The
    distribution is here parameterised by a scale parameter b and a
    shape parameter c.
    Last edited by Marcos Almeida; 04 Aug 2019, 08:32.
    Best regards,



    • #3
      as an aside to Marcos' helpful advice, please note that while Cox regression is semiparametric, Weibull is parametric. You can take a look at -stcox- and -streg- entries in Stata .pdf manual to get a comprehensive description of these survival analysis models.
      Stata users who deal with regression model for survival analysis (and survival analysis at large) like the following, really valuable textbook:
      Kind regards,
      (StataNow 18.5)

