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  • Cross-equation test in Panel Analysis

    I'm trying to compare coefficient from different regression models with panel data.
    In a normal regression I would use cross-equation test, that allows to test for the difference between two regression coefficients across independent samples. The test answers the question: “does b1 = b2?”; where b1 reflects the effect of explanatory variable within group 1 and b2 is the effect of the same variable within group 2.

    regr Y X1 X2 if X3 == 0

    est store zero

    regr Y X1 X2 if X3 == 1
    est store one

    suest zero one

    test [zero_Y=one_Y]: X1

    If I do the same thing after "xtreg, fe" (fixed effect) the output is:

    Constraint 1 dropped

    chi2( 0) = .
    Prob > chi2 = .

    Is there a way to do cross-equation test using "xtreg, fe"?
    thank you

  • #2
    I don't know how you are even getting to test [zero_Y = one_Y]: X1, as -suest- simply does not support -xtreg, fe- and the -suest- command itself should break with an error message to that effect.

    If you want to do a cross model comparison like this with -xtreg, fe-, you have to do it using interaction terms.

    xtreg Y i.X3##c.(X1 X2), fe
    The contrast between the coefficient of X1 when X3 == 0 and when X3 == 1 will appear in the regression output in the row for 1.X3#c.X1.

    Note that the above code assumes X1 and X2 are continuous variables. If either is not, change the code accordingly.

