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  • How to control MRTs in PPML Gravity Model

    Can i control MRTs in PPML method by estimating exporter, importer and year group dummies by following command

    . ppml exp lndist cont rta lnpgdpi lnpgdpj efwi efwj lnpopi lnpopj dexporter dimporter dyear

    I have use following commands to generate and group the dummies

    . qui tab year, g(dyear)
    . qui tab exporter, g(dexporter)
    . qui tab importer, g(dimporter)
    . egen dyear=group(dyear*)
    . egen dexporter=group(dexporter*)
    . egen dimporter=group(dimporter*)
    Last edited by Aqib Khursheed; 13 Jul 2019, 01:57.

  • #2
    You didn't get a quick answer. You'll increase your chances of a useful answer by following the FAQ on asking questions - provide Stata code in code delimiters, readable Stata output, and samp[e data using dataex.

    When you use group, you are numerically identifying groups. But, that is not a meaningful control for group - group 100 is not 100 times group 1. i.dimporter is probably more likely to be what you want.

